Manages Parisian Family Office. Began Wall Street, 82. Founded investment firm, Native American Advisors. Member, White Earth Chippewa Tribe. Was NYSE/FINRA arb. Conservative. Raised on Native reservations. Pureblood, clot-shot free. In a world elevated on a tech-driven dopamine binge, he trades from Ghost Ranch on the Yellowstone River in MT, his TN farm, Pamelot or CASA TULE', his winter camp in Los Cabos, Mexico. Always been, and will always be, an optimist.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Terror in Mumbai.............

The resilience in the American economy is something we can all be proud of.

The 10th largest economy in the world suffered a terror strike today that may shake the 1.1 billion who call it home. Not for long. The middle-class will see to it.

Capitalism will provide the stability.

My prayers go out to the Indian nation and family and friends of those slaughtered.

And they say Islam is the religion of peace.

Yea, sure, right.

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