CEO & Partner, Parisian Family Office. Began Wall Street career in 1982. Founded investment firm, Native American Advisors, 1995. White Earth Chippewa, Tribal Member. Raised on reservations. Conservative. NYSE/FINRA arbitrator. Pureblood, clot-shot free. In a world elevated on a tech-driven dopamine binge, he trades from Ghost Ranch on the Yellowstone River in MT, TN farm, Pamelot or CASA TULE', their winter camp in Los Cabos, Mexico. Always been, and will always be, an optimist.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024


Just too good not to share!   See how these liberals flip-flop?

All politics, all the time.  Check out this link on ZeroHedge.


Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Ms. Cheatle

It must be the season for dropping out and resigning!

Bye Bye American DEI!

Kimberly Cheatles gets to leave before she cracks under pressure. Enhanced interrogation techniques found she was full of shit so she took Congressional advice and walked away with a retirement/severance package. 

She didn’t rat out their plan to kill Trump, so they’ll reward this unqualified hire, who’s been a big source of embarrassment. 

I think I should pray for her.  She is probably in grave danger.

The truth will come out even if it has to be leaked out.  I predict it will be a horror show of incompetence. 

Cut. Cut. Cut.


Monday, July 22, 2024

Reprint from 12/07/2005

Just too dam good not to share again nearly 20 years later.

The self-dealing among seat-holders, Tommy selling to Bobby, then Bobby selling to Tommy, and on and on and on. The price only went one way!

The move in seat prices over the last 11 months from around the $970,000 mark to $4,000,000 is one of the best moves in the stock market this year. Has anyone figured out the "self-dealing" to run prices higher? There are entities who own 5, 10, 25, over 40 seats who have been buying more to run the price up going into the merger. Anyone figure out who was doing the selling?

Uninformed seat-holders maybe? 

Nawwwwww. Not a chance

The NYSE became a for-profit organization and its private membership disbanded. The 1,366 NYSE seat owners profited from the sale, each receiving 80,177 shares in the new public company, $300,000 cash, and $70,571 in dividends.


He's a lawyer, a Marine, a businessman, a husband, a father. 

Remember, Obama was a community organizer.

Did I get that right?

Fat Fatties

I am so dam tired of fat people.  People so dam fat they can't do shit.

Fat prevents two things.

One, it prevents opportunity, and two, it precludes possibility.

Fat is earned.   My only suggestion to not be fat is to do one thing.

You can take this to the bank.

Keep your fork away from your mouth.

This is taken from ZEROHEDGE:

According to a 2013 review, fat is not merely a passive store of energy but is, in fact, a highly “sophisticated organ” that regulates metabolic processes and branches of the immune system. Fat tissue is also crucial in regulating many organs and is closely linked with brain function.

Fat provides numerous benefits, Kristen Smith, a registered dietitian, manager of bariatric surgery at Piedmont Healthcare in Georgia, and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, told The Epoch Times. These include supplying energy, supporting cell growth, protecting organs, and aiding in the absorption of essential nutrients.

Dr. Sulagna Misra, a medical doctor and founder of California-based Misra Wellness, also told The Epoch Times that fat keeps our bodies warm and insulated and serves as a way for the body to store fuel. Additionally, it functions as an endocrine gland with significant activity.

Fat is composed of adipose cells, which produce hormones like estrogen and leptin, cytokines (proteins involved in cellular communication) such as tumor necrosis factors (TNFs), and pro-inflammatory markers. When present in excess, these adipose cells can lead to metabolic or hormonal dysregulation.

Subcutaneous Fat

Subcutaneous fat, located directly beneath the skin, is the most abundant type of fat in the body, according to Ms. Smith. It is also the most metabolically favorable form of fat. Often considered neutral, subcutaneous fat can protect against coronary artery disease and Type 2 diabetes.

According to an article in the International Journal of Obesity, subcutaneous fat is linked to a protective glucose and lipid profile, reduced metabolic risk, and lower levels of inflammatory cytokines. This type of fat appears more passive than abdominal fat and “exerts its protective properties by long-term fatty acid storage.”

However, excessive subcutaneous fat, particularly in the upper body, can be harmful. Research has found that upper body subcutaneous fat is associated with increased cardiometabolic risk factors.

Visceral Fat

On the other hand, studies suggest that high levels of visceral fat raise one’s risk of developing cardiovascular events. Visceral fat is belly fat that surrounds internal organs and is deeper in the abdominal cavity.

Visceral fat is more insulin-resistant, sensitive to lipolysis, and metabolically active. It can generate free fatty acids and uptake glucose more than subcutaneous fat. Additionally, it is a more robust predictor of death.

There are significant differences between fat depots and their associated risks of metabolic disorders. Visceral fat has been shown to generate inflammation and is considered a greater risk for metabolic disorders. Visceral and subcutaneous fat are metabolically distinct tissues.

The Framingham Heart Study measured the relationship between visceral fat and depressive symptoms in 1,581 women (average age 52 years) and 1,718 men (average age 50 years). The study found a relationship in women but not in men. However, a link between subcutaneous fat and depressive symptoms was not observed, underscoring the differences in metabolic activity within each fat depot.

There is also a link between stress, cortisol, and abdominal fat deposits. Stress increases exposure to circulating levels of cortisol, leading to an increased appetite and the mobilization of fat from the periphery (outer areas of the body) to the central region. Cortisol is known to redistribute fat from the outer areas of the body to the abdominal area.

According to a 2011 article in Obesity, various factors could influence the relationship between obesity and depressive symptoms, including inflammation. Visceral fat appears to have “a unique and important contribution” to the inflammatory state, the authors wrote.

Ms. Smith explained that visceral fat typically increases with age and heightened stress levels. Studies indicate that the distribution of body fat is more important for overall health than the total amount of body fat. An unbalanced diet high in fatty foods and carbohydrates, combined with a sedentary lifestyle, creates conditions that promote the accumulation of visceral fat, she said.

Liver Fat

According to Dr. Misra, liver fat consists of fatty tissue stored in the liver, typically as fuel. Liver fat accumulates following excess consumption of sugar and fat (glucose and triglycerides). Diets high in sugar and saturated fat often lead to the accumulation of liver fat. Excessive liver fat can significantly impair liver function. The liver is crucial for metabolism, hormone production, and many other functions, which is why obesity often leads to metabolic and hormonal disorders.

Regarding the role of diet in liver fat accumulation, total energy intake, rather than fat intake per se, is the key mediator of liver fat content. Hypo-energetic diets (calorie deficit) decrease liver fat regardless of total fat content, while hyper-energetic diets (excess calories) increase liver fat.

Dietary fat composition could also affect liver fat accumulation, with diets rich in saturated fat increasing liver fat content more than diets with more unsaturated fats.

Added fructose sources also seem to be of concern when it comes to liver fat. It has been shown that fructose metabolism is faster than glucose and more is converted to liver glycogen. Additionally, ingested carbohydrates are more likely to contribute to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) than dietary fat intake; NAFLD increases the risk of liver damage.

4 Ways to Reduce Harmful Fat

“Monitor what you eat, listen to your body, get good quality and quantity sleep, integrate play, eat more vegetables and fiber, choose cleaner and less processed foods, cook at home, and exercise regularly (especially weight training),” advised Dr. Misra. Keep the following four tips in mind:

  1. Avoid processed foods: These include deep-fried or ultra-processed foods, sodas, candy, and commercial baked goods. Foods sweetened with fructose should be avoided or enjoyed only in moderation. Read the labels and avoid ingredients like “partially hydrogenated oils” or “high-fructose corn syrup.” These deplete your body of necessary nutrients and convert to fat quickly.
  2. Try a high-intensity workout: High-intensity, high-volume training encourages visceral fat loss and improves carotid artery health, facilitating blood flow to the brain.
  3. Stay active: Sedentary behaviors, particularly watching TV, have distinct associations with fat depositions.
  4. Eat enough fiber: Increased soluble fiber intake is associated with less visceral fat accumulation—regardless of body mass index (BMI). Increased soluble fiber intake combined with increased physical activity slows the natural progression of visceral fat.

A New Definition of Obesity

Authors of a 2006 review in Current Diabetes Reviews called for a new definition of obesity based on the anatomical location of fat rather than its volume, particularly when assessing cardiometabolic risk.

The review suggested that the term “metabolic obesity,” which refers to visceral fat accumulation in both lean and obese individuals, may better identify those at risk of cardiovascular disease.

Dr. Misra added that there are diseases or situations in which the BMI may be normal, but the person may have a high amount of visceral fat. “I prefer to address each person individually because ‘normal’ weight is a spectrum, and weight gain is complex,” she concluded.

Truth and zero honesty from Kamala Harris!

Kamala Harris is a Democrat.  Democrats lie in just about every aspect of American life.   Democrats believe the majority of Americans are okay with living in a country with no borders, that flies military-age men from all over the world to American cities, puts them on welfare, and registers them to vote. American taxpayers pay for all of this.   It is the ultimate voter nullification.

Your citizenship in this country means absolutely nothing.

Thoughts on the Democratic Party

Spineless individuals with no solid core principles willing to be herded to wherever their party bosses tell them!

Special counsel Robert Hur described the President as an “elderly man with a poor memory,” with “diminished faculties in advancing age.” That's a nice way of saying Biden is too mentally incompetent to know he was committing a crime when he was hoarding classified documents in his garage and closet, yet the Administration says he is competent to still run the country.

Now we have a California liberal running for President. America, let that sink in! What else do you need to know?

Yes, one of the greatest frauds of several generations. And they would have continued it if not for the debate, though they tried with lame excuses like "he had a cold". The entire Democratic Party apparatus lied to the American public simply so it could remain in control. And they wonder why our trust in government institutions is in the cellar. Now they tell us that a candidate that has never won a primary, has a demonstrated failure in her singular assignment as V.P., and could not even carry her own state -- the state of California, no less, is qualified to be President.

Harris, the Border Czar allowed over 10,000,000 criminal (they broke the law to enter) aliens to gain access to your tax dollars.

Had enough of Democrats yet?