CEO & Partner, Parisian Family Office. Began Wall Street career in 1982. Founded investment firm, Native American Advisors, 1995. White Earth Chippewa, Tribal Member. Raised on reservations. Conservative. NYSE/FINRA arbitrator. Pureblood, clot-shot free. In a world elevated on a tech-driven dopamine binge, he trades from Ghost Ranch on the Yellowstone River in MT, TN farm, Pamelot or CASA TULE', their winter camp in Los Cabos, Mexico. Always been, and will always be, an optimist.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024


Just too good not to share!   See how these liberals flip-flop?

All politics, all the time.  Check out this link on ZeroHedge.


Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Ms. Cheatle

It must be the season for dropping out and resigning!

Bye Bye American DEI!

Kimberly Cheatles gets to leave before she cracks under pressure. Enhanced interrogation techniques found she was full of shit so she took Congressional advice and walked away with a retirement/severance package. 

She didn’t rat out their plan to kill Trump, so they’ll reward this unqualified hire, who’s been a big source of embarrassment. 

I think I should pray for her.  She is probably in grave danger.

The truth will come out even if it has to be leaked out.  I predict it will be a horror show of incompetence. 

Cut. Cut. Cut.


Monday, July 22, 2024

Reprint from 12/07/2005

Just too dam good not to share again nearly 20 years later.

The self-dealing among seat-holders, Tommy selling to Bobby, then Bobby selling to Tommy, and on and on and on. The price only went one way!

The move in seat prices over the last 11 months from around the $970,000 mark to $4,000,000 is one of the best moves in the stock market this year. Has anyone figured out the "self-dealing" to run prices higher? There are entities who own 5, 10, 25, over 40 seats who have been buying more to run the price up going into the merger. Anyone figure out who was doing the selling?

Uninformed seat-holders maybe? 

Nawwwwww. Not a chance

The NYSE became a for-profit organization and its private membership disbanded. The 1,366 NYSE seat owners profited from the sale, each receiving 80,177 shares in the new public company, $300,000 cash, and $70,571 in dividends.


He's a lawyer, a Marine, a businessman, a husband, a father. 

Remember, Obama was a community organizer.

Did I get that right?

Fat Fatties

I am so dam tired of fat people.  People so dam fat they can't do shit.

Fat prevents two things.

One, it prevents opportunity, and two, it precludes possibility.

Fat is earned.   My only suggestion to not be fat is to do one thing.

You can take this to the bank.

Keep your fork away from your mouth.

This is taken from ZEROHEDGE:

According to a 2013 review, fat is not merely a passive store of energy but is, in fact, a highly “sophisticated organ” that regulates metabolic processes and branches of the immune system. Fat tissue is also crucial in regulating many organs and is closely linked with brain function.

Fat provides numerous benefits, Kristen Smith, a registered dietitian, manager of bariatric surgery at Piedmont Healthcare in Georgia, and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, told The Epoch Times. These include supplying energy, supporting cell growth, protecting organs, and aiding in the absorption of essential nutrients.

Dr. Sulagna Misra, a medical doctor and founder of California-based Misra Wellness, also told The Epoch Times that fat keeps our bodies warm and insulated and serves as a way for the body to store fuel. Additionally, it functions as an endocrine gland with significant activity.

Fat is composed of adipose cells, which produce hormones like estrogen and leptin, cytokines (proteins involved in cellular communication) such as tumor necrosis factors (TNFs), and pro-inflammatory markers. When present in excess, these adipose cells can lead to metabolic or hormonal dysregulation.

Subcutaneous Fat

Subcutaneous fat, located directly beneath the skin, is the most abundant type of fat in the body, according to Ms. Smith. It is also the most metabolically favorable form of fat. Often considered neutral, subcutaneous fat can protect against coronary artery disease and Type 2 diabetes.

According to an article in the International Journal of Obesity, subcutaneous fat is linked to a protective glucose and lipid profile, reduced metabolic risk, and lower levels of inflammatory cytokines. This type of fat appears more passive than abdominal fat and “exerts its protective properties by long-term fatty acid storage.”

However, excessive subcutaneous fat, particularly in the upper body, can be harmful. Research has found that upper body subcutaneous fat is associated with increased cardiometabolic risk factors.

Visceral Fat

On the other hand, studies suggest that high levels of visceral fat raise one’s risk of developing cardiovascular events. Visceral fat is belly fat that surrounds internal organs and is deeper in the abdominal cavity.

Visceral fat is more insulin-resistant, sensitive to lipolysis, and metabolically active. It can generate free fatty acids and uptake glucose more than subcutaneous fat. Additionally, it is a more robust predictor of death.

There are significant differences between fat depots and their associated risks of metabolic disorders. Visceral fat has been shown to generate inflammation and is considered a greater risk for metabolic disorders. Visceral and subcutaneous fat are metabolically distinct tissues.

The Framingham Heart Study measured the relationship between visceral fat and depressive symptoms in 1,581 women (average age 52 years) and 1,718 men (average age 50 years). The study found a relationship in women but not in men. However, a link between subcutaneous fat and depressive symptoms was not observed, underscoring the differences in metabolic activity within each fat depot.

There is also a link between stress, cortisol, and abdominal fat deposits. Stress increases exposure to circulating levels of cortisol, leading to an increased appetite and the mobilization of fat from the periphery (outer areas of the body) to the central region. Cortisol is known to redistribute fat from the outer areas of the body to the abdominal area.

According to a 2011 article in Obesity, various factors could influence the relationship between obesity and depressive symptoms, including inflammation. Visceral fat appears to have “a unique and important contribution” to the inflammatory state, the authors wrote.

Ms. Smith explained that visceral fat typically increases with age and heightened stress levels. Studies indicate that the distribution of body fat is more important for overall health than the total amount of body fat. An unbalanced diet high in fatty foods and carbohydrates, combined with a sedentary lifestyle, creates conditions that promote the accumulation of visceral fat, she said.

Liver Fat

According to Dr. Misra, liver fat consists of fatty tissue stored in the liver, typically as fuel. Liver fat accumulates following excess consumption of sugar and fat (glucose and triglycerides). Diets high in sugar and saturated fat often lead to the accumulation of liver fat. Excessive liver fat can significantly impair liver function. The liver is crucial for metabolism, hormone production, and many other functions, which is why obesity often leads to metabolic and hormonal disorders.

Regarding the role of diet in liver fat accumulation, total energy intake, rather than fat intake per se, is the key mediator of liver fat content. Hypo-energetic diets (calorie deficit) decrease liver fat regardless of total fat content, while hyper-energetic diets (excess calories) increase liver fat.

Dietary fat composition could also affect liver fat accumulation, with diets rich in saturated fat increasing liver fat content more than diets with more unsaturated fats.

Added fructose sources also seem to be of concern when it comes to liver fat. It has been shown that fructose metabolism is faster than glucose and more is converted to liver glycogen. Additionally, ingested carbohydrates are more likely to contribute to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) than dietary fat intake; NAFLD increases the risk of liver damage.

4 Ways to Reduce Harmful Fat

“Monitor what you eat, listen to your body, get good quality and quantity sleep, integrate play, eat more vegetables and fiber, choose cleaner and less processed foods, cook at home, and exercise regularly (especially weight training),” advised Dr. Misra. Keep the following four tips in mind:

  1. Avoid processed foods: These include deep-fried or ultra-processed foods, sodas, candy, and commercial baked goods. Foods sweetened with fructose should be avoided or enjoyed only in moderation. Read the labels and avoid ingredients like “partially hydrogenated oils” or “high-fructose corn syrup.” These deplete your body of necessary nutrients and convert to fat quickly.
  2. Try a high-intensity workout: High-intensity, high-volume training encourages visceral fat loss and improves carotid artery health, facilitating blood flow to the brain.
  3. Stay active: Sedentary behaviors, particularly watching TV, have distinct associations with fat depositions.
  4. Eat enough fiber: Increased soluble fiber intake is associated with less visceral fat accumulation—regardless of body mass index (BMI). Increased soluble fiber intake combined with increased physical activity slows the natural progression of visceral fat.

A New Definition of Obesity

Authors of a 2006 review in Current Diabetes Reviews called for a new definition of obesity based on the anatomical location of fat rather than its volume, particularly when assessing cardiometabolic risk.

The review suggested that the term “metabolic obesity,” which refers to visceral fat accumulation in both lean and obese individuals, may better identify those at risk of cardiovascular disease.

Dr. Misra added that there are diseases or situations in which the BMI may be normal, but the person may have a high amount of visceral fat. “I prefer to address each person individually because ‘normal’ weight is a spectrum, and weight gain is complex,” she concluded.

Truth and zero honesty from Kamala Harris!

Kamala Harris is a Democrat.  Democrats lie in just about every aspect of American life.   Democrats believe the majority of Americans are okay with living in a country with no borders, that flies military-age men from all over the world to American cities, puts them on welfare, and registers them to vote. American taxpayers pay for all of this.   It is the ultimate voter nullification.

Your citizenship in this country means absolutely nothing.

Thoughts on the Democratic Party

Spineless individuals with no solid core principles willing to be herded to wherever their party bosses tell them!

Special counsel Robert Hur described the President as an “elderly man with a poor memory,” with “diminished faculties in advancing age.” That's a nice way of saying Biden is too mentally incompetent to know he was committing a crime when he was hoarding classified documents in his garage and closet, yet the Administration says he is competent to still run the country.

Now we have a California liberal running for President. America, let that sink in! What else do you need to know?

Yes, one of the greatest frauds of several generations. And they would have continued it if not for the debate, though they tried with lame excuses like "he had a cold". The entire Democratic Party apparatus lied to the American public simply so it could remain in control. And they wonder why our trust in government institutions is in the cellar. Now they tell us that a candidate that has never won a primary, has a demonstrated failure in her singular assignment as V.P., and could not even carry her own state -- the state of California, no less, is qualified to be President.

Harris, the Border Czar allowed over 10,000,000 criminal (they broke the law to enter) aliens to gain access to your tax dollars.

Had enough of Democrats yet?

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Loggers for Trump

I have been running a chainsaw for about 20 years fairly consistently.

I don't do gas logs.  I burn wood. We run through a fair amount of firewood with three fireplaces every fall/winter/spring.  

Love running a saw that is running hot and has a sharp chain.

Saturday was sweet!  I got after it.   I dropped timber so big it scared me.

We are expanding access to a part of my farm that has been nearly impossible to access.  Instead of hiring excavators, I thought I would and could do it myself.

No problem.   Just got after it.

Ear protection, great gloves, sharp saw, heavy boots, glasses, what's not to like!


"Deliriously Wild"

I have been around Wall Street jargon for about 40 years. 

I learn new terms every day!    I have a friend who takes an avid interest in the family finances and she introduced me to that term the other day.

She was making reference to recent market action.

When I start hearing terms like that it puts the fear of the Lord Almighty in me!

Markets cycle.  Bad times follow good.  Good times follow bad.

No need to marry them and lose capital needlessly.

Be careful out there.  Things can happen fast, don't think in terms of boundaries.  There are none.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Monday, July 15th at the market close

Had a solid day.   Don't have much equity exposure to tech trading names now, sold a majority of movers off a month ago.   It was a solid first half of 2024.

My growth is in the COST, the HD, the PLTR, the SOFI, and a bit of TWKS, a tiny company that is now being run by a good friend,  and of course a slug of ETFs like FFTY and BOUT across a myriad of indices.   As I grow older, 70 now, I prefer risk in the ETFs versus the individual names.  I don't have the time to make it over again and the ETF space is easy and unique.  Trump and Vance will improve the economy with a solid check on America's finances.  Unlike your finances, ours (in America) suck. 

The goal is to be happy and do good, to live and give back, to laugh and love often.  It was a good day.   If I can get hard work lined up with good luck maybe I can knock out a gain of 25% this year.   I only compete against myself.  The only people I am trying to impress are the 8-year-old version and the 80-year-old version of Dean Parisian.    It is the total portfolio against me.  The goal is not to lose much while winning.  Sure I have had several days (3) where the portfolio dropped over $500,000 in a day.    Yes, bad things happen to good people but did I sell?   No, I didn't sell then and am not selling now.  Why you ask?


Live in America, have my health, and have a system I trade.  And thank you MARKETSURGE!   May God bless JD Vance and Donald Trump and their families who will help America achieve.

The best is yet to come.  Believe it.  

Monday, July 15th at the market open...............

Financial markets opening up as expected.

What a weekend.  An inch away from American history being changed.

The current president was on television again last night spitting out more babble.   He is unable to complete a sentence without an error. 

It is impossible for him NOT to muck things up when reading a speech.

This guy will do billions of dollars of damage to the American taxpayer before November.

Make your vote count America. 

Glancing around the 'net I see too many liberals' tears in my cup........I'm going to have to save some for my morning coffee tomorrow!

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Monday, July 08, 2024

Only correct answers............


Common Sense, Honesty and Ethics

It's stunning to realize that the most cynical, evasive, and dishonest President in my lifetime occupies the White House.

Someone from the oligarchy needs to step up and fix this mess and find a competent leader for the presidency. 

Our country is a joke.

If you don't believe me add 10% for the Big Guy!  

At 70.....

I asked a friend who has crossed 70 & is heading towards 80 what changes he feels in himself?

He sent me the following:
1. After loving my parents, siblings, spouse, children and friends, I have started loving myself.
2. I have realized that I am not “Atlas”. The world does not rest on my shoulders.
3. I have stopped bargaining with vegetable & fruit vendors. A few pennies more is not going to break me, but it might help the poor fellow save for his daughter’s school fees.
4. I leave my waitress a big tip. The extra money might bring a smile to her face. She is toiling much harder for a living than I am.
5. I stopped telling the elderly that they've often told that story. The story makes them walk down memory lane & relive their past.
6. I have learned not to correct people even when I know they are wrong. The onus of making everyone perfect is not on me. Peace is more precious than perfection.
7. I give compliments freely & generously. Compliments are a mood enhancer not only for the recipient but also for me. And a small tip for the recipient of a compliment, never, NEVER turn it down, just say "Thank You.”
8. I have learned not to bother about a crease or a spot on my shirt. Personality speaks louder than appearance.
9. I walk away from people who don't value me. They might not know my worth, but I do.
10. I remain cool when someone plays dirty to outrun me in the rat race. I am not a rat & neither am I in any race.
11. I am learning not to be embarrassed by my emotions. It’s my emotions that make me human.
12. I have learned that it's better to drop the ego than to break a relationship. My ego will keep me aloof, whereas with relationships, I will never be alone.
13. I have learned to live each day as if it's the last. After all, it might be the last.
14. I am doing what makes me happy. I am responsible for my happiness, and I owe it to myself. Happiness is a choice. You can be happy at any time, just choose to be!
I decided to share this for all my friends. Why do we have to wait to be 60 or 70 or 80, why can't we practice this at any stage and age?

Friday, July 05, 2024

Just speak honestly. Speak the truth.

You know it.  I know it.  Stop kidding yourself.

Mediocrity doesn't hang with high achievers.   They talk shit, do little, make no money, find excuses, belittle, find more excuses, belittle education, read little, are truthfully lazy, and don't engage with people on the move.  They are everywhere these days.

They are scared of those working to get better, those achieving goals and dreams, living large, and leaning into their high expectations.

Likewise, high achievers don't hang with mediocrity.  They don't have the time.  

The food chain has its place.  Prey or predator.  Big dog or hanging on the porch.  Big hat, no cattle.  They have all the answers and know everything they just don't have any money and have no clue about how to make money, make it grow, and use it to make life better.  I often call it no vision, no goals, no dreams, and none in sight.   And not a clue about choices versus chance and what that means.  They are easy to spot!  They are everywhere these days. 

Nick Saban was right then and he is right now.

Ryan Day believes in the same thing. 

Life is too short.  Better yourself.  Daily 

Donald! Do NOT pick BERGUM! Here's why............

DJT needs to look close at this guy............

NO to Doug Bergum



Tell me again Mr. Chucky Schwab why you won't allow active traders to flatten accounts with a simple button like so many of your competitors?

It is truly amazing how antiquated Schwab is!

The only redeeming part of the merger with T.D. Ameritrade is Think or Swim.

Chuck, get out of your castles and make a few calls. 

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Joe Biden on America's BIRTHDAY!

Here is the latest from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D.C.   The freaked-out crack addict, China profiteer, Ukraine energy expert, and convicted felon Hunter Biden is now in the building!

He must be reviewing the accomplishments of the Biden Administration over the last 3.5 years.

Biden has only brought mass migration from a dissolved border, which has made cartels rich, increased drug-, human-, and child trafficking, is destroying cities, putting pressure on schools, police, housing, and health care, and made our southern border the most deadly in the world.  Biden has dictatorially and unconstitutionally paid off hundreds of billions in student loans; and made the world much more dangerous, as Biden’s energy policies are essentially funding Russia and Iran; and destroying women’s sports by making them compete against men.

Did I miss anything?

I did miss something.  Remember 10% for the BIG GUY?

It's a clown world in the White House today.


Yesterday, July 2nd, I happened to wade into an office that supports the delivery of health care. 

I had to wait a bit to pay a bill and was sitting in a waiting room of fellow Americans.  I could barely contain myself with wonder and bewilderment.

When will the average American stop and smell the roses?

You don't need a health care professional to give you permission to be healthy.  No Sir, no ma'am you don't.

No Doctor or Nurse needs to give you the go-ahead to better yourself with better health.   

Why don't you just do it yourself?  Get the ass off the couch.  Put down the sugar water.  Give up food out of a box.  Walk.  Run.  Swim. Stretch.  Drink water.  Stay away from sugar.

Give up drinking alcohol.   Give up all the dam medicine you are taking.

Throw the medicine out and start eating an apple a day, an orange, a banana, a salad, some meat.

Take a few vitamins.  Drink more water.  Move about.  Just get off your fat lard ass and start moving.

If you think for a single nanosecond that health care and Big Pharma give a rats ass about your health and getting healthy, think long and hard.

Think again.   America is toast as far as health.  You don't take drugs to lose weight.  You don't take pills for this, for that, for most everything.  Pills suck.  American health care sucks.  Ask any honest provider of health care.

And the health of America sucks.   Look at the obesity in America.  Look at the lard asses walking around in every store, lined up at every fast food place, lined up at the Doctors office.  Maybe they will all die from ink poisoning down the road.    It's a shit show out there and Doctors are making bank daily.   Good on them!

Profiting at the expense of stupidity and laziness, the American way.       



Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Falsehood of the MIC

The MIC is a complete and utter financial disaster for Americans.

The stupidity of Americans is appalling.  Most think the MIC is there to protect us from harm internationally.

The harm comes at you every day in the form of interest on debt and the declining value of the U.S. dollar.

You are being taken to the cleaners daily.   Put that tidbit in your bong or pot pipe this weekend while celebrating your new tattoo.


On Americas Birthday

Admit it.   The clown world we live in is starkly different from what you hear and see from the demented boyz and galz in the MSM these days.

If Biden were sharp and had an off-night last Thursday he would have been out and about on the talk shows doing Q & A's with media pundits to proclaim how great he is physically and mentally.  Instead, they trotted him out (in the early evening) to read again from a teleprompter about how bad the Supreme Court Justices are!  

You can't make this up!   A tool of Obama, now President!

Here, check this out from ZeroHedge today while you are here .......

"Speaking with Axios while the Biden family met at Camp David on Sunday, White House Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates insisted: "Not only does the President perform around the clock, but he maintains a schedule that tires younger aides, including foreign trips into active war zones, and he proves he has that capacity by delivering tangible results that pundits had declared impossible."

Except (you know it's bad when...) journalist Carl Bernstein told CNN on Monday that there have been at least 15 occasions in the last 18 months "where the president has appeared like he did at that horror show (his debate performance)," and that in the last six months, there have been a marked cognitive decline that has caused some of his sources to approach Chief of Staff Ron Klain to express concern."

Biden has dementia.  You know it, I know it.  But remember this, all it takes is a girl between the ages of 4-12 to be spotted by Joe Biden and he is unstoppable.  Ask Jill if you don't believe me.  Or just look at all the video clips circulating around on the internet of Joe touching them up.

One more thing,  a 6 handicap?  GMAFB

Sunday, June 16, 2024

A Pine Ridge education on Fathers Day

Being the son of a career Bureau of Indian Affairs Law Enforcement Officer who attended 4 high schools in 3 states it was good exposure to high school educators and those not-so-good. 

I went to private Catholic boarding schools off-reservation, to government boarding schools in Pine Ridge, to off-reservation public high schools.

One of my college degrees was in Secondary Education.   I will never forget my instructor who didn't agree with my stance on education in government BIA schools for Native Americans.   I had 3 quarters of classes with him.  First quarter, took an "A" grade.   Second quarter, took a "B" grade.  Third quarter, took a "C" grade.  Fairly obvious wasn't it?

Blue states and blue cities and America are in trouble with educating youth.

There doesn't appear to be a Father in sight!   Two parent households?  Where do you find them in the inner city?

All I see is fake diplomas, fake learning, fake "teachers", fake test scores, fake parents, and fake intentions of changing it.

I see new trans bathrooms, free abortions for the staff, and solar panels on the buildings.  This elevates the aura and the school atmosphere and shows real commitment to students which makes them study harder out of respect for the taxpayers investment.

Students will lay down their guns, show up to school daily, put down the pot pipe, toss out the smokeless tobacco, and walk through the metal detectors ready to learn about LGBT history and how evil the white man and America is every day.

My Dad always said you can only make diamonds from coal that is under a great deal of pressure.   Why would you expect test scores to go up when taxpayer money is being spent on metal detectors, multiple layers of security, and often a bomb (gunpowder) sniffing dog at each school?

The finest principal at what was once, Oglala Community High School in Pine Ridge, S.D., was James Lomax.  Bar none.   Jim was a football player at Chadron State in Chadron, Nebraska.  He married a girl from Scottsbluff and they worked and lived in Pine Ridge as educators.  Jim took no bullshit from anyone.  He was fair.  He called it like he saw it.  He was what Pine Ridge needs today.  He is what every school system needs today.

Jim lived across the park from my family and I often would go over to visit him while in high school.   He shared a beer with me from time to time when I wasn't playing sports.  At that time he had no children and he treated me like his own.  Jim was the first person to tell me that spending more funds on public schools was never intended to improve educational outcomes. It was always meant to funnel more money to teachers and unions. 

Society is corrupt to the core and full of grifters at all levels looking to cash in on government money.

Your congressman, school teachers, college professors, large corporations, physicians, etc. the list is endless.

Do you hear that sound?  Listen closely.

It is the sucking on the big government teat.

On Fathers Days, every kid needs a FATHER, not a sire.

And that, is one of the biggest problems for America.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Davie Byrne

The magic wasn't the music, dance, and demeanor of David Byrne.

The million-dollar question was and will always be how he assembled Lynn Mabry, Ednah Holt, and Simi Stone on stage with him.

Talent on loan from God.

Biden at the G-7 on Fathers Day

If it weren't so sad it would be comical.

The clown show in the Biden Administration has no strategy for anything.

They botch everything they do and then some while criticizing other countries for not having a "clear strategy".  Would someone please ask these governining misfits what is America's clear strategy in Afhanistan, in Iran, and in the Ukraine besides making billions more for the Military Industrial Complex?   Our strategy seems to be simple, enrich further the MIC.

Watching Mr. Potatoe Brain is like watching a small disaster about to happen except the disaster is the American economy and the American people. 

Speaking of Biden, his treasonous son, Hunter Biden is untouchable.   The goons doing the investigation of Hunter Biden have an ENTIRE LAPTOP of criminal activity at their disposal and they choose to go after him for lying on a gun application?   GMAFB!!!  

They only chose to pursue charges that would NOT lead back to the President.  See?   Be a good boy now, take one for the GIPPER Hunter and Dad will be just fine.  Besides, your pardon is coming soon. 

So, where is the strategy in Chicago, Baltimore, or St. Louis to make life better for the white and non-white populace?    Not a father in sight, no work ethic, living off the government's proverbial hind teat while drugs, crime, and blight permeate the landscape of the unsheltered.

I see no strategy, I hear no strategy from the liberal left or the right wing led by the joke from Louisiana, Mike Johnson, who supposedly represents the right from his position as Speaker of the House.   He doesn't represent America.  He represents Zelensky better.

Trump by a land-slide.

Americans can see through the charade. 

Friday, June 14, 2024

Janet Yellen, serial liar

from a CNBC interview this week,  "All Americans are better off now."

It just doesn't end with the lies and the politics coming from her.

51 American liars

Here’s the list of people who shouldn’t have a job informing the public about anything or ever appear on cable news again:

Mike Hayden, former CIA director, now analyst for CNN
Jim Clapper, former director of national intelligence, now CNN pundit
Leon Panetta, former CIA director and defense secretary
John Brennan, former CIA director, now analyst for NBC and MSNBC
Thomas Fingar, former National Intelligence Council chair, now teaches at Stanford University
Rick Ledgett, former National Security Agency deputy director, now a director at M&T Bank
John McLaughlin, former CIA acting director, now teaches at Johns Hopkins University
Michael Morell, former CIA acting director, now at George Mason University
Mike Vickers, former defense undersecretary for intelligence, now on board of BAE Systems
Doug Wise, former Defense Intelligence Agency deputy director, teaches at University of New Mexico
Nick Rasmussen, former National Counterterrorism Center director, now executive director, Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism
Russ Travers, former National Counterterrorism Center acting director
Andy Liepman, former National Counterterrorism Center deputy director
John Moseman, former CIA chief of staf
Larry Pfeiffer, former CIA chief of staff, now senior advisor to The Chertoff Group
Jeremy Bash, former CIA chief of staff, now analyst for NBC and MSNBC
Rodney Snyder, former CIA chief of staff
Glenn Gerstell, former National Security Agency general counsel
David Priess, former CIA analyst and manager
Pam Purcilly, former CIA deputy director of analysis
Marc Polymeropoulos, former CIA senior operations officer
Chris Savos, former CIA senior operations officer
John Tullius, former CIA senior intelligence officer
David A. Vanell, former CIA senior operations officer
Kristin Wood, former CIA senior intelligence officer, now non-resident fellow, Harvard
David Buckley, former CIA inspector general
Nada Bakos, former CIA analyst and targeting officer, now senior fellow, Foreign Policy Research Institute
Patty Brandmaier, former CIA senior intelligence officer
James B. Bruce, former CIA senior intelligence office
David Cariens, former CIA intelligence analyst
Janice Cariens, former CIA operational support officer
Paul Kolbe, former CIA senior operations officer
Peter Corsell, former CIA analyst
Brett Davis, former CIA senior intelligence officer
Roger Zane George, former national intelligence officer:
Steven L. Hall, former CIA senior intelligence officer
Kent Harrington, former national intelligence officer
Don Hepburn, former national security executive, now president of Boanerges Solutions LLC
Timothy D. Kilbourn, former dean of CIA’s Kent School of Intelligence Analysis
Ron Marks, former CIA officer
Jonna Hiestand Mendez, former CIA technical operations officer, now on board of the International Spy Museum
Emile Nakhleh, former director of CIA’s Political Islam Strategic Analysis Program, now at University of New Mexico
Gerald A. O’Shea, former CIA senior operations officer
Nick Shapiro, former CIA deputy chief of staff and senior adviser to the director
John Sipher, former CIA senior operations officer
Stephen Slick, former National Security Council senior director for intelligence programs
Cynthia Strand, former CIA deputy assistant director for global issues
Greg Tarbell, former CIA deputy executive director
David Terry, former National Intelligence Collection Board chairman
Greg Treverton, former National Intelligence Council chair, now senior adviser at the Center for Strategic and International Studies
Winston Wiley, former CIA director of analysis

Today Across the Land called America

Reality, Front & Center in America 

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Hunter Biden Poem

An oldie...but too good not to share today on the guilty verdict.  

Hunter, Hunter whores on the couch

What's today's drug of choice in your pouch

What are you smokin'; is that parm or crack

Give daddy the money, he'll keep you on track

Ukraine to China he ain't no slouch


From hookers to in-laws he'll screw them all

The POTUS' son is having a ball

His daddy will say it's ok to cheat

As long as you pay me for milking my teat

But if you get caught you'll take the fall


Just like the rest of the Biden clan

Grabbin' his share was always the plan

It's good to have people to pave the way

With daddy as POTUS it's been pay to play

With kickbacks he was the 'big guy's' G-man 

Probably a MUST READ .........


Things are good and getting better!

Clown world all around.    Saturday I witnessed a tremendous spectacle of fraud and fake by a couple of airline passengers going to Nashville from Cabo.  More on that later, with pictures.  It's amazing the gall of people.

It doesn't end there.  The climate grifters, always yelling about climate change hysteria, the MSM, the deep state, the rise of PC speech, Fauci,  the lies and the money,  the idiots from Hollywood talking trash,  the tranny nonsense, the invasion of millions of criminal aliens, and the vast number of government employees that seem to be making a small mint off of theft, graft and corruption of every sort. 

Today the S&P 500 is on track for a new high, even though...

• More NYSE issues are hitting 52-week lows than highs
• More NYSE issues are declining than advancing
• More NYSE volume is flowing into losers than winners

Long RSP and SPY.  What's not to like?

Life is good.  All is possible.  Big ups to all who have weathered the rough stuff.  It's getting better every day in my world! 

Stay hard. Keep hammering.


Sunday, June 09, 2024

Fathers Day

The one thing he loved to do more than fish was eat fish.

I am 70 years old.  I am grateful for my parents and my grandparents.

At their hands, I learned the value of hard work and to try harder when things got tough.  

Dad is resting with his ancestors today. 

And probably eating fish! 


The LEFT @ Work


Thursday, June 06, 2024

The "Tribe" at work against Donald J. Trump

Harvard University Professor Emeritus Laurence Tribe, Professor of law and top constitutional scholar, remarked: “Think this was a minor crime? Think again! It was arguably the biggest felony in American history. Certainly the most harmful.”

Monday, June 03, 2024


He hasn't practiced medicine for what?   40 years?

This clown did more damage to America than Obama.

The lies flow from him like lies from Hillary Clinton.

Bought and paid for by Big Pharma, the Federal Government of the United States, and NIH, just an endless amount of money for him to spout bullshit to the world and get away with it. 

The following was taken from ZeroHedge.

Caught in a Lie: Dr. Fauci previously testified before Congress that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) wasn’t funding GOF research. Based on current information, Dr. Fauci has been caught in a lie and should answer for it. Not only has the NIH admitted to funding GOF research, they then changed the definition of GOF research to allow continued foreign research funding. What was Dr. Fauci’s role in changing this definition to secure additional funding?

Continuing Deadly Research at U.S. Taxpayers Expense: China locked us out of Wuhan after the novel coronavirus emerged and refused to share the DNA sequence of SARS-CoV-2 and other valuable information. Dr. Fauci must explain how America benefited from these grants to EcoHealth Alliance and other U.S.-funded GOF research conducted in foreign nations.

Oversight Within NIH Grant Process: Dr. Fauci must also be held accountable for overseeing the NIH grant process. We uncovered and sounded the alarm back in October of 2021 that EcoHealth Alliance was out of compliance with NIH grant policies and had not submitted its year-five report. Why did it continue to receive funding?

When confronted about this, Dr. Fauci claimed ignorance, although it was his responsibility to ensure compliance with these grants. This lack of oversight highlights the immediate need for increased accountability at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the necessity for its own inspector general.

When following the evidence, Dr. Fauci often sought counsel from questionable advisers and scientists with clear conflicts of interest.

The Federal Advisory Committee Act mandates that advice given to the federal government by advisory committees be objective, transparent, and publicly accessible. However, email records show that Dr. Fauci consulted his close network of private scientists, some of whom financially benefited from the NIH grants that Dr. Fauci oversees, and some in that group were waiting on a grant approval worth up to $9 million.

The Federal Advisory Committee Act: Why in February 2020 did Dr. Fauci hold closed advisory committee meetings with scientists who are dependent on his NIH funding, violating the Federal Advisers Committee Act’s requirements for transparency and balanced viewpoints?

Importantly, after that meeting, the Fauci-led group published the “Proximal Origins” theory, concluding that SARS-CoV-2 emerged as a ”natural virus.” Once published, Dr. Fauci seemingly embarked on a mass media cover-up and touted that opinion piece that he orchestrated as scientific fact, even referencing it from the White House podium.

Proximal Origins Theory: Dr. Fauci should be asked why he presumably used his power to manipulate science and publish factually incorrect articles to downplay the lab leak theory. Why was Dr. Fauci directing articles in science journals and pushing his debunked proximal origins theory narrative? Was his involvement so deep that he was manufacturing and rewriting history to evade the responsibility and the role he had in this virus outbreak?

Blocking FOIA Requests: It’s also curious that after Dr. Fauci was questioned by our Senate HELP committee in May 2021, the Department of Health and Human Services shut down all Freedom of Information Act requests. Was Dr. Fauci involved in any discussions for this decision? Why was that decision made?

Many people also don’t know that Dr. Fauci received two government salaries simultaneously, making him the highest-paid federal employee ever. He was both the director of the NIAID and the director of civilian biodefense, which was operating with a $6 billion budget.

Highest-Paid Federal Employee in History: Dr. Fauci should be asked to explain how the attribution of potential intentional pathogen deployment (which he was tasked to oversee and manage) is assessed and how the action plan is developed and implemented. If he can’t adequately answer these questions when asked, he should return the salary and related pension immediately.

If you think long and hard about what the LEFT and the FAUCI crowd have done think about this.  He got the woke Lefties and Democrats to suck up those CLOT SHOTS like candy!  Then he got them to play "MASK & DISTANCE" like good Nazi's.  He persuaded them to kill their children, Grandparents, partners and all their GROUP THINK friends.

Fauci alone did more to rid America of wokeness than given credit for.  

Guilty of premeditated murder?  No doubt.

The Chinese would have done the right thing.

Remember, the Biden administration forced small businesses to close during “the great panic” and attempted to force a mandate on ALL small businesses with 100,000 employees or more to force the injection of “the juice”.

Saturday, June 01, 2024

June 1, 2024 from my perch

She is not yet half over. What thrills we are seeing across the globe.

The chaos and greed to dominate the countries of the world, to make them bend to our will, thank you MIC.

The Soviet Union/Russia has no expansion interests, there is zero proof of that?  With only around a few hundred thousand dead Ukrainians and perhaps 50,000 Russians. Russia wants to remain Sovereign so they say and that is their crime? (Thank you, Larry Mattheson, for starting me on the road of USSR history.  Incidentally, Larry was the best teacher I had in high school, having attended 4 high schools in 3 states).  Hamas leadership all billionaires, they make Donald Trump look like a piker.  They had their day of fame on Oct. 7th.   Now things are a reality show.

Yes, sad for the people of Ukraine and Gaza.  It can't be any fun for nations being slaughtered by the tens of thousands, citizen pawns who are in the way of global domination. Since the United States hasn't had a military victory since WWII maybe we should look closer to home to spend our tax dollars, or should I say paper spit out by Fed printing presses. 

And Americans running around looking at their cell phones, hell they couldn't find Gaza or Ukraine on a map or even tell you the name of their state governor.  Don't believe me?   Try it.  Amaze yourself,  and learn something about your fellow Americans living off the proverbial hind teat. 

We might be cooked, too early to tell.  Don't put anything into believing America has half a brain.  Don't believe me?  Look at your President today and ask yourself if you want him anywhere near your granddaughter.  He's what America voted for?  Well, not really but the thieves won that round. 

I am still going to wave the flag on July 4th.  It may not look like the America I was raised in but it's all we got.

God bless the United States of America.  The greatest experiment the world has ever known.  Make it count on 11/5.

Friday, May 31, 2024


Want some laughs?   Ask any of your friends who want to lose weight what YOU should do to lose some pounds.      Ask them if NOT DRINKING ALCOHOL would be a good idea to shed some poundage.

Most of America wants to lose weight and no one seems to want to give up their alcohol consumption.

Can't have one without the other.

Be  honest.

Try it for a week, two weeks, then three.

Go without.

Then weigh yourself.   


You lost the weight you have been trying to lose for years.

Donald J. Trump

I learned on the first day of law school that justice is for sale.  

That was a long time ago.   Nothing has changed.

As Elon Musk said,  "If a former President can be criminally convicted over such a trivial matter – motivated by politics, rather than justice – then anyone is at risk of a similar fate."

I am tired of DEI,  gun laws,  tax hikes, climate nonsense,  and billions given away to foreigners. 

It must be better to have an out-to-lunch, child-fondling, hair-sniffing corrupt freak in the Oval Office.

The "felon" will have my vote.

Thursday, May 30, 2024


Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls!

The circus is coming to town once again.

Prepare accordingly.

I doubt anyone will care.

Mr. Munger of Bershire Hathaway fame

Charlie Munger was a hero to me.

He recently passed away. He is someone you should study. He had a quote that you must always adhere too.

It’s timeless.

Cast this in stone.

Never ever forget this:"If you want to ruin your life spend it trying to change your spouse."


Can it get any better?  Yes.  It.  Can!

The Winning! Just getting started!

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

DEBT, Yours and Mine

For those of you in Manderson, Marty, or Mandaree listen up.

This is how much debt the US federal govt took on PER YEAR under the various recent Presidents (based on fiscal years in their presidencies)

Debt Level in 1993:  $4 trillion

Clinton:   $200 billion per year (8 years)

GWB:     $600 billion per year (8 years)

Obama:  $1.1 trillion per year (8 years)

Trump:   $1.8 trillion per year (4 years)

Biden:    $2.2 trillion per year (3 years through fiscal 2023)

Source:  US Treasury Dept 

Vote buying is expensive.  Running the American pocketbook is none other than the best of the Biden Administration, Janet "it's transitory" Yellen.

The grand experiment called America being railroaded into the ground with minds like hers.

Monday, May 27, 2024


In 1979 I moved to San Diego with $$$ I had made on the trapline all fall.

Looking to find my fame and fortune.

Bill Walton would ride his bike down my street, Reynard Way, his massive frame on a 10-speed, big red head of hair flopping in the wind.

An optimist. Bill always had a smile.

America on Memorial Day


Sunday, May 26, 2024

H. I. L. K. K. A @ Palmilla Beach

Be brilliant in the basics. Be the change you want to see in the world. Be the first one. Be unforgettable. Be interesting. Be a sleeper. Be the world's expert on yourself. Be better than yesterday, but not as good as tomorrow. Be confident enough to be humble. Be somebody who reminds everybody of nobody else in the world. Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better. Don't sell, enable people to buy. Talk less and say more. Don't let the bums and negative people get you down. Work with people you respect. Don't be weary in well doing, for in due season you will reap a great harvest if you faint not. Don't wait for the mainstream to validate your voice. Don't despise the day of small beginnings. Don't be selfish with your knowledge. Don't complain if you haven't earned the right. Don't be different, be unique.  You are what you believe. You are the books you've read and the people you've met. You are an empty sheet of paper in the minds of every person you encounter. Live each day with courage.  Travel your path. The world cannot resist a woman on a mission. The best swimmers are always in the pool. The sculpture is inside the stone. The two greatest days in your life are the day you're born, and the day you realize why you were born. If you are successful you will always have too much to do and too little time.  Don’t sweat every detail.  If you aren't being criticized, you aren't doing much. If everyone says you're out of your mind, you just might be onto something. It's not who you know, it's who knows you.

It's not the years, it's the mileage. Work hard, work long, and work smart.  Work like you don't need the money. Work from technique, because you never know how you will feel. Success leaves clues. Confidence is king. Credibility comes from specificity. Listening is not waiting to talk.  Tell the truth, tell it all, and tell it now. Give value first.  Life’s too short to be in a job you hate.  Paint yourself into a good corner. Do the work once and benefit many times. Give yourself away. Take massive action. Act as if you already were the person you're trying to become. Always stand up, stand out, or be counted out. Learn to love your zone of discomfort. Greet each day with love in your heart. Show, don't tell. Actions speak louder than words.  A picture does paint a thousand words. Make daily appointments with yourself. Never apologize for your art.  Work harder on yourself than your job. Always put your spouse, and family first. Find your one big idea. Remember who you are. Validate your existence. Be yourself and do something cool - every single day! Life isn't about finding yourself, it's about creating yourself. Let grudges go. What goes around comes around. 

There is only 86,400 seconds a day.

Go after it and don’t waste time! 



I don't believe any two vocalists could do it better.




If a guy could only turn back the clock and see them perform!!


Thursday, May 23, 2024

Friday follies

It's the weekend.  Do something good for someone.  Do something good for yourself.  Eat good.   Exercise.  Read.  Pray.  Just put down the phone, get off the social media bullshit, and smile, eat, sleep, and exercise.

I am in the water all weekend.  The ocean temperature is fantastic, the water clarity excellent and the waves are much smaller than last weekend.

What's not to like?

Come to think of it, I need some new conspiracy theories.  

All of my old ones have turned out to be true. 

Jewish Hate

I have been to Israel a couple of times.  Loved the people, the food, the scenery, the history.  

All of it, different, unique, and biblical. 

Yes, it’s totally possible to hate Israel and Jewish people.

If you do, you are on the side of Stone Age-era terrorists.

October 7th was an IQ test.

Taken from DAILY SPECULATIONS, the veterinarian hobo, BO KEELY, talking MEXICO


Bo Keely responds:

We can't see the world forest for the American trees.

I just traveled through Mexico the hard way under a pack and the country bustles, thrives, and has altered the mindset to friendliness to strangers. the best investment is along the Sea of Cortez where, 15 years ago, there was one sleepy fishing village where i couldn't find a meal or bed. i slept in the weeds. now it's the Platinum Coast with twenty miles of high rises. there's a 200-mile new skyscraping powerline to meet electricity demand across the dune capped desert where, as seen yesterday on my throne on La Bestia, the last poles are driven and strung to blow open the coast to investment.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Swarovski Optik Service

For most of my life I have used binoculars.   I don't "baby" binoculars.  They are a tool to me like a knife or rifle.  They are meant to be used, sometimes in tough conditions.

I want to give a shout-out to the great customer service team at Swarovski.

A few years ago I dealt with Greg Lucier.  Class guy, knew his product cold.  Very helpful.  And it seems whoever I have dealt with at Swaro HQ knows their products extremely well.

In life, you get out of it what you put into it.   

Many people have asked me what binocs to buy.  Most are looking for good and cheap.

Vision is priceless.  Imagine life without eyes, without good eyes.

Long ago I felt I needed to spend what was necessary to own Swarovski.

It has paid off in so many ways.

If you can swing it, put Swarovski binoculars in your arsenal of tools.    

If you want a reputable source for buying Swarovski products I'm going to mention that I have had excellent pricing and follow-on customer service from a guy in Clancy,  Montana by the name of Dave Kauffman.  He is an easy guy to find.

Dave Kauffman

158 Jackson Creek Road

Clancy MT 59634


For Outfitters, Military, Law Enforcement, Firefighters, and First Responders, please call for a discount.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024


Never let these people, and yes I mean the people in your personal life like friends and family, never let them forget the evil they endorsed. The retards frothing at the mouth to hold down your children and inject them with poison, the demons chuckling about how they plan to fire you, let your family starve and throw you in a re-education camp for believing in bodily autonomy. Never. Let. Them. Forget. 

Fellow purebloods, we are the true elite in this degenerate clown world. Even if you're scrubbing toilets at an I-80 truck stop, if you withstood the pressure to get the vaxxx, you are elite. If you were coerced into getting it via threats of violence or threats against your family's ability to survive, I feel sorry for you, you have my sympathy and compassion.

If you willingly lined up to have yourself, or God forbid your kids, "jabbed," then fuck you, and go die the death you begged for.

History is being rewritten in real time.  Chris Cuomo on Tucker, Bill Maher on Gutfeld, vocalizing what was verboten only 2 years ago.  Everything is carefully choreographed, and slowly the masses are being warmed up to the next manufactured "truth". 

Monday, May 20, 2024



It was a stunning morning on the open plains!    Walking up to this patriarch was a blessing and a long time coming.  The beauty of great genetics, excellent nutrition, and smart biologists with the health and populations of micro-managed deer hunting units at the forefront of game laws.   Colorado has the deer population in mind;  Montana has the politics and swagger of the good ol' boys in Helena making law.   The differences are stark and obvious.   Mule deer in Montana like this are rare.   Leave it to the state agencies to muck things up.  Thank the men and women of the enforcement divisions for maintaining what is left of the resource and in my mind, doing their very best.  

Here is the walk-up to this beauty. It was a tough few seconds and a lot of decisions had to be made to get this buck downed.  His doe group had circled back and come up over that small rise in the picture.  I hit the deck on my belly and could see his antlers coming up behind them.  Took a nano-second to make the decision to try to get him down.   The doe group sailed off with him in pursuit.  I had to swing from my prone belly position to a sitting position with my knee as a rest in a slight wind.  He was behind the small hill and I could only see his withers, the top of his body.   I dropped him on the 4th shot on the run.   I have killed dozens of deer on the run and attribute that skill to having killed so many canines on the Fort Berthold Reservation as a young teenager.  I don't look at antlers after the decision to shoot is made.  My only concern is how that scope needs to be steadied to where that bullet needs to enter the animal for a clean kill.