CEO & Partner, Parisian Family Office. Began Wall Street career in 1982. Founded investment firm, Native American Advisors, 1995. White Earth Chippewa, Tribal Member. Raised on reservations. Conservative. NYSE/FINRA arbitrator. Pureblood, clot-shot free. In a world elevated on a tech-driven dopamine binge, he trades from Ghost Ranch on the Yellowstone River in MT, TN farm, Pamelot or CASA TULE', their winter camp in Los Cabos, Mexico. Always been, and will always be, an optimist.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Miss anything or just unburdened by what has been?


Tyreek Hill

My Dad was in Law Enforcement.   He worked on many Indian Reservations across the Great Plains.   There weren't many cars that could travel 80 m.p.h. yet alone 100 plus M.P.H. on those reservation roads!

Common sense would dictate if driving over 100 miles an hour in a 55 m.p.h. zone you might get a speeding ticket and a run-in with the Law.

Tyreek Hill allegedly punched his pregnant girlfriend in the stomach and choked her, broke the arm of his 3-year-old son, and has 10+ kids with 6 baby mamas, but you’re surprised he would have a run-in with police for combative behavior?

Monday, September 09, 2024


There are many reasons to buy stocks, to sell stocks, to own stocks, to not own stocks.   I buy stocks in a strategy that has served me well for about 30 years.   It is basically a strategy known in the investment management business as an "O'Neil/CANSLIM" strategy.  Like most things in life, I have adapted this strategy to fit the only guy that matters to my portfolio management, Dean Parisian.

Long ago, when Palantir was around $5, I saw this crazy guy on CNBC with wild hair talking about his company like it was shrouded in secrecy and for the world to know about.  I normally don't take flyers on $5 dollar stocks, because stocks are normally cheap for a reason.    But I did get my feet wet and bought some PLTR.   I guess Karp sounded honest and didn't care about anything but telling his story to the CNBC audience.

Over the years I bought more shares, sold shares, bot more, sold more,  and over time sold call options against the position and at one time had around 50,000 shares. (Here are call options I sold in 2021, (     I have cut back dramatically on my position sizing (being retired) and am more active away from my screens doing life as it should be lived but I do love the screens.  Yes, I admit it, I still love the trading screens.  It's always fun to find a new name that is screaming to be bought!

Today, like many others, I got lucky.   Palantir shares were added to the S & P 500 index. The stock was up, as Trump says, hugely.

Good for me and good for Alex Karp.   It's been a fun ride.

I think the stock hits $50 before it hits $5 but what do I know?

This action has been deliriously wild as of late.

I feel/smell/anticipate a drawdown fairly soon.   Be ready.

Springfield, Ohio and Democrats

What a sad state of affairs.

Will those found eating ducks and geese from the local park be in violation for not having a migratory waterfowl stamp?  Canadian Geese are migratory waterfowl, and have a season and bag limit, which when violated is a FEDERAL crime with penalties of thousands of dollars and prison. 

Where are the Federal game wardens?

Remember this, first, it was the ducks and geese. Next, it will be their daughters and wives. But hey! Diversity is our strength!  You can't fix stupid, anywhere.  Springfield, Crow Agency, Mandaree, White Earth, Browning, you name it.  Look at this.

2020 election results in Springfield, Ohio

Donald Trump 55% of the votes.

Joe Biden 43% of the votes

43 out of 100 are getting what they voted for...

$1,000 says Kamala Harris gets that 43% again.

Here is a remedy from my desk...........

Send the Haitians to the neighborhoods of the members of the Senate Banking Committee.  The problem will quickly solve itself.

But, again, when you let the Third World move into your neighborhoods you get Third World problems.

RINOs have nothing to do with this; this is being entirely sanctioned and executed by this Democrat administration, (Biden/Harris), and abetted by Democrat politicians at the state and city levels via their sanctuary city declaration, and refusals to turn over these invader parasites to ICE when apprehended.   Use your brain.   27 countries have emptied their jails and sent gang members, addicts, and criminals to the USA.  Harris welcomed them all by leaving the border WIDE OPEN.

All part of the plan. A test run of wrecking suburban and middle-class America.  On purpose!

Here is another good belly laugh. 

I'm from the government and I'm here to help!

Elon Musk can't get to work fast enough.

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Believe this truth...............

If you don't have an active X account, you have no idea what's going on in the real world.

Sunday, September 01, 2024

September 1, 2024

September is here.   A lovely time of the year for weather in North America.

Not so much for the markets.  September can be brutal, akin to a truth being told at the DNC!

August was a good month.  A bit hot, weather-wise and I didn't catch as many smallmouth, sauger, and walleye as I had hoped on the Yellowstone River.  In the market, some names worked well and others got a boost for lift-off hopefully sooner rather than later.

I give all the credit to the years and years of mistakes I have made and the speed at which errors are corrected.

Most of all, thank you to MarketSurge, the late William O'Neil, my accountant, the TOS platform at Schwab (Think or Swim for those of you in Mandaree, Pine Ridge, and Pickstown) to all the great advice I have been privy to from Victor Niederhoffers website, ( my old clients at Chippewa Partners/Native American Advisors, Inc., my family, my friends, and the millions of charts I have looked at over the years.  I said millions, not just hundreds of thousands.   I couldn't operate without MarketSurge.  Period.

Do the work.  Just work. Most people, especially stock brokers will not do the work to make themselves serious money in the stock market.  Most brokers don't know how to do the job to make serious money for themselves or their clients.     

If they did, they would be paid as investment managers and work for investment management firms. 

Let's hope this economy doesn't crash and burn.  A soft landing is possible but the Biden/Harris economy is not the answer for America.  Electing these Democratic liberal imbeciles will have consequences.  

Friday, August 23, 2024



Thank you Jerome Powell

When they put it in your lap just say thank you.

Yesterday was down over $18,000.  Today I rung the bell!

FED Chairman, Jerome Powell was talking it up this morning in Jackson Hole, WY, and look what happened.

In the language of my tribe, the White Earth Band of Chippewa all I can say is,


Economics, Politics, the FED and America

Thank you, Jerry, Sun, Roy, and Chris for your time. Majoring in economics was a big help in my career albeit it was for me to sort out the wheat from the chaff. At the close yesterday I was down $18 grand, today up close to $50 grand and climbing.  Days like today I don't mind working in retirement.

That said, I can't own enough gold!

Today, the market is rallying hard on the Jackson Hole, WY pronouncements from FED CHAIR, Jerome Powell. My take is the same, inflation will skyrocket. These hucksters have no clue. 

It's all politics.

Jerome Powell, did NOT, address the printing of Trillions of dollars which caused all of this inflation starting during the COVID-19 fraud. Plain and simple, the pandemic was a controlled clinical trial in social engineering and a get-rich scheme for the Government to pay kickbacks to Big Pharma. He did not address handing $10 TRILLION to his cronies and friends. Epic gaslighting. Don't believe me? Just wait.

The housing market, and borrowing costs for the average American are irrelevant. Dropping interest rates is NOT going to bring down housing prices. Supply has a place and this misfit who is running for President knows zero about economics and managing anything least of all a border where she allowed 10,000,000 criminals into this great country and you are paying for them. Had enough yet? Keep voting Democrat. 

Lower rates have everything to do with issuing new debt at lower rates to fund trillions in proposed spending. This funding will include more war spending, backstopping toxic balance sheets in the banks, and rescuing trillions in commercial real estate.

All of this will be inflationary. Gold will go much higher as a store of value.

You knew they would find a perfect time to cut rates before the election. The day after the DNC they crow like roosters about how things have changed according to their data. Data, you ask?

When we thought the economy added a million more jobs in the last year, was that "data-driven"? How about today when we know it wasn't data-driven;  job creation was cut by 818,000 jobs. Data you say? Your government data is dirty and make-believe. Fairy dust data. If the Government BLS were a private company and lied to such a degree about job numbers in that order of magnitude it would be called fraud and they would face prison time.

The Fed is not data-driven, and neither are the markets.

Precious metals, oil stocks, and bonds are your best bets. I follow Warren Buffett, via Berkshire Hathaway Class B shares. He is adding cash and bonds and lowering his allocation to equities.

Remember I said this. A 2% inflation rate is fundamentally a scam on America.  It's theft.  Since January of 2022 the GDP, (gross domestic product for those of you in Mandaree) has grown by more than $5 Trillion while the debt has grown by almost $6 Trillion and during that time the interest on the Debt of the United States has risen from $423 billion to over $1 Trillion.

Today gold closing in on an all-time high, stocks are at all-time highs, and housing is at all-time highs.  Food, healthcare, and education are at all-time highs. 

Dropping inflation to 2% still has you paying 22% more on top of the 20% inflation you are paying now.  

If you like your $16 cheeseburger you can keep your $20 cheeseburger!

Trump is the lesser evil.  I will vote Trump.



Keep Voting Democrat

Coming to the America you know and love, just leave it to the Democrats! 

Vice & Pornography!!


Wednesday, August 21, 2024


One of the greatest "new" innovations in the investment world has been the spawn of exchange-traded funds.

I love them. 

I use them daily, weekly, monthly, annually, and probably forever.

I don't need the inherent risk in an individual stock.

The proliferation of ETF's has been monstrous.

If you don't use them I would suggest you look into their many  benefits if you are not an active investor.

I'm just sayin'.............

One thing is certain and you can put this in stone.

What follows bull markets is bear markets.   Every day we get closer to the day of reckoning where shit hits the fan.

Remember this,  bear markets don't develop overnight and big liquidations don't begin at the market tops.

My equity market exposure has decreased over the last couple of years.  My biggest positions are boring as hell.

Costco, because I need help finding a place to park at the 8 Costco's I frequent around the country and in Mexico.

Berkshire Hathaway Class B shares simply because betting against Warren Buffet is a fool's game.

Nvidia.  Is there anything better in that space?   Didn't think so.

Palantir.  Am sticking with Alex Karp.  

I want to talk about a few names I own that will someday have their face in the sun and now they are in a dense fog.

Warner Brothers Discovery     Is David Zazlav reason enough to own it?  

SoFI.      Is 158,000,000 platform accounts enough to make a couple of bucks? 

We had a shot across the bow a couple of weeks ago though I didn't feel it because on August 5 I owned a slug of TWKS, Thoughtworks, and that was the day a buyout was announced.  Sometimes you get lucky.  

I did sell CMPO the other day.  Probably sold for the wrong reason but hindsight is always 100%.  It had been good to me so I said goodbye.

I don't have it to trade as aggressively as in 2021.

It was wild and very profitable during the Covid nonsense.

2021 Parisian Aggressive Trading Account


NO, I'm not.  

I'm voting for the First Amendment and freedom of speech.

I'm voting for the Second Amendment and my right to defend my life and my family. 

I'm voting for the next Supreme Court Justice(s) to protect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

I’m voting for the continued growth of my retirement and reducing inflation.

I’m voting for a return of our troops from foreign countries and the end to America’s involvement in foreign conflicts.

I'm voting for the Electoral College and for the Republic in which we live. 

I'm voting for the Police to be respected and to ensure Law & Order.

I am tired of all the criminals having a revolving door and being put back in the street.

I’m voting for the continued appointment of Federal Judges who respect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

I’m voting for keeping our jobs to remain in America and not be outsourced all over the world - to China, Mexico and other foreign countries.

I want USA made.

I’m voting for secure borders and legal immigration. I can’t believe we have actually flown 380,000 illegal immigrants into our country.

I am voting for doing away with all of the freebies given to all of the illegals and not looking after the needs of the American citizens.

I'm voting for the Military & the Veterans who fought for this Country to give the American people their freedoms.

I'm voting for the unborn babies that have a right to live.

I’m voting for peace progress in the Middle East.

I’m voting to fight against human/child trafficking. 

I'm voting for Freedom of Religion.

I'm voting for the right to speak my opinion and not be censored.

I am voting for the return of teaching math, history, and science instead of indoctrination of our children and pronouns. 

I'm not just voting for one person, I'm voting for the future of my Country.

I'm voting for my children and my grandchildren to ensure their freedoms and their future.

What are you voting for?

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

YOUR Government at Work.............LMFAO

Taken from X.   Elon Musk, singlehandedly, is saving Truth and Honesty.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr


The Covid pandemic was used to fundamentally change the relationship between US citizens and their government. The government’s public health response was not a medical response, but instead a test of technocratic power: to see how the population would respond to totalitarian edicts masked as medical interventions. The government also selected the lockdown winners and losers, transferring nearly 4 trillion dollars of wealth from the middle class & small business to Silicon Valley and big box stores. There have been NO corrections and NO apologies--because the government wants to be able to do it again. That is why we are hearing all the hoopla now about monkeypox and bird flu and yet more experimental vaccines. We CANNOT let this happen again. We MUST resist.

Monday, August 19, 2024


Note the speakers are Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Bill Clinton.  The same people that have had a stranglehold on American politics for the past thirty years. 

Losers, liars and lunatics.

Bricks will be in short supply by the time Friday rolls around.  

For the most pressing news out of Chicago best representing the finest of Chicago values please keep your eyes on this great website.   I have been following these guys since inception.  

Honest, fair, and funny as hell.


Is this treason or just mere oversight?

 Specifically, Biden and his family are accused of:

  • Foreign Payments: The Biden family reportedly received over $27 million from foreign sources, often through shell companies, with some funds directly reaching Joe Biden’s bank account.
  • Burisma Involvement: Hunter Biden was paid $1 million annually by the Ukrainian company Burisma, using his influence to support the company and allegedly shut down corruption investigations.
  • CEFC China Energy: Hunter Biden received a $5 million "interest-free" loan from entities linked to CEFC China Energy, intended to benefit the Biden family.
  • Vice Presidential Influence: Joe Biden allegedly used his position as Vice President to support his son’s foreign business ventures, meeting or speaking with his son’s business partners from Ukraine, China, Russia, and Kazakhstan.
  • $3.5 Million from Russian Oligarch: Hunter Biden’s businesses received $3.5 million from Russian oligarch Yelena Baturina shortly before a reported meeting between her and Joe Biden.
  • $8 Million in Loans from Donors: The Biden family allegedly obtained over $8 million in loans from Democratic donors, including nearly $6 million from entertainment lawyer Kevin Morris, covering various personal expenses for Hunter Biden.
  • DOJ Favoritism: IRS whistleblowers alleged that the Justice Department gave Hunter Biden preferential treatment, blocking investigations and concealing evidence to avoid charges.

Monday, August 19th, 2024

Had a nice chat this morning with PETER at the Innovator Funds complex in Wheaton, IL.  He is a great guy and a credit to his firm.  We shared some humor on the DNC happenings this week in Chicago.

We both felt it appropriate to head down and get a couple of abortion pills to at least take a couple out of circulation so that they couldn't be used on any pregnant woman.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Monday, August 12, 2024

War Mongers UNITE!

Look at these mavens of death!  I remember once I was in attendance at a major function sponsored by a Fortune 100 company and had to sit through a session by none other than Colin Powell.  I was sick when it was over.

It doesn't matter now and it didn't matter then.  Red, Black, Brown.  

Dead is dead.   The Military Industrial Complex is alive and well.

May Donald J. Trump slow it down.

It wasn't that long ago.............listen to the wind.....................




Bullshit Artistry at Work!!

The esteemed Dr. Fauci, of COVID fame, is infected again.

This is what he had to say.

“I got infected about two weeks ago, it was my third infection, and I have been vaccinated and boosted a total of six times,” said Fauci.

Fauci, who back in 2021 said, “If you get vaccinated, you are protected,” seemingly hasn’t been protected from catching the virus despite receiving half a dozen vaccines.

He also separately asserted during the same year, “When people get vaccinated, they can feel safe that they are not gonna get infected.”

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Don't GROW UP!

The average adult:- Gains 2-3 pounds a year.
- Can’t run a mile.
- Spends 5 hours a day on their phone.
- Drinks the majority of their calories.
- Sleeps like shit.
- Wakes up tired every day.
- Takes meds for preventable issues.
- Struggles to tie their shoes.
- Loses muscle and gains fat every year.

This is your future.

This should scare the shit out of you.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

MORRIES in Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Service, decor, timing, attitude, excellent.

Food?   Dam good.   On par with any decent steakhouse in America. 

In my life...............

The greatest repetitive work I enjoyed was pounding in stakes to trap red fox.  

Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Tim Walz. ALL you need to know............


Thank you Elon Musk. Thank you Linda Yaccarino!

Every day, hundreds of millions of people come to X to be part of the only global, real-time conversation. They come to share their thoughts and hear others. To share their content and see more. To debate and be debated. To entertain and be entertained. To inspire and be inspired. There is no substitute for X. 

The power of this community to bring global conversations to life was the reason I was so excited to join X as CEO in June 2023.

After a career in media and advertising, I thought I had seen everything. Then I read the U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Committee’s report entitled “GARM’s (Global Alliance for Responsible Media) Harm” last month. The report disclosed that their investigation had found evidence of an illegal boycott against many companies, including X.

As their report found: "Evidence obtained by the Committee shows that GARM and its members directly organized boycotts and used other indirect tactics to target disfavored platforms, content creators, and news organizations in an effort to demonetize and, in effect, limit certain choices for consumers."

The consequence - perhaps the intent - of this boycott was to seek to deprive X’s users, be they sports fans, gamers, journalists, activists, parents or political and corporate leaders, of the Global Town Square.
To put it simply, people are hurt when the marketplace of ideas is undermined and some viewpoints are not funded over others as part of an illegal boycott.
This behavior is a stain on a great industry, and cannot be allowed to continue.
That is why, today, X has filed an antitrust lawsuit against the Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM), the World Federation of Advertisers (WFA), and GARM members CVS Health, Mars, Orsted and Unilever. This is not a decision we took lightly, but it is a direct consequence of their actions.
The illegal behavior of these organizations and their executives cost X billions of dollars.

Since arriving at X, I made it my mission to continue to build a platform where people, brands and advertisers can thrive in our unique, dynamic and safe environment.

And because of this commitment to our users, even despite the boycott, usage has reached all time highs. Using a Twitter legacy metric, user active minutes, in August 2022, people spent 7.2 billion active minutes on the platform. Today, that number is more than 9 billion, a 25% increase.

The same is true for video - even compared to last year, daily video views are up 45% to 8.2 billion. X is innovating and growing.

We have met and surpassed the requests made by advertisers and groups such as GARM for new tools, both to improve advertiser controls and the effectiveness of our products to drive increased value for our customers.
We have proven our platform provides advertisers a way to showcase their brands and reach their target audiences safely, efficiently and effectively. That’s why I’ve worked in good faith with marketers across the globe to showcase our innovations and allay any concerns with brands whom I’ve partnered with for decades. The unfortunate reality is that despite all our efforts, hundreds of meetings and research to the contrary, many companies chose to dismiss the facts.

To those who broke the law, we say enough is enough. We are compelled to seek justice for the harm that has been done by these and potentially additional defendants, depending what the legal process reveals.
It's also clear that there are likely others who suffered at the hands of this activity. This case is about more than damages - we have to fix a broken ecosystem that allows this illegal activity to occur.

We will continue to innovate and ensure X has a vibrant future while the courts will hold accountable those who engaged in illegal behavior.
To all of you who have been part of the transformative journey we are on, thank you. Rest assured, we will not stop defending our global town square.


Wednesday, July 24, 2024


Just too good not to share!   See how these liberals flip-flop?

All politics, all the time.  Check out this link on ZeroHedge.


Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Ms. Cheatle

It must be the season for dropping out and resigning!

Bye Bye American DEI!

Kimberly Cheatles gets to leave before she cracks under pressure. Enhanced interrogation techniques found she was full of shit so she took Congressional advice and walked away with a retirement/severance package. 

She didn’t rat out their plan to kill Trump, so they’ll reward this unqualified hire, who’s been a big source of embarrassment. 

I think I should pray for her.  She is probably in grave danger.

The truth will come out even if it has to be leaked out.  I predict it will be a horror show of incompetence. 

Cut. Cut. Cut.


Monday, July 22, 2024

Reprint from 12/07/2005

Just too dam good not to share again nearly 20 years later.

The self-dealing among seat-holders, Tommy selling to Bobby, then Bobby selling to Tommy, and on and on and on. The price only went one way!

The move in seat prices over the last 11 months from around the $970,000 mark to $4,000,000 is one of the best moves in the stock market this year. Has anyone figured out the "self-dealing" to run prices higher? There are entities who own 5, 10, 25, over 40 seats who have been buying more to run the price up going into the merger. Anyone figure out who was doing the selling?

Uninformed seat-holders maybe? 

Nawwwwww. Not a chance

The NYSE became a for-profit organization and its private membership disbanded. The 1,366 NYSE seat owners profited from the sale, each receiving 80,177 shares in the new public company, $300,000 cash, and $70,571 in dividends.


He's a lawyer, a Marine, a businessman, a husband, a father. 

Remember, Obama was a community organizer.

Did I get that right?

Fat Fatties

I am so dam tired of fat people.  People so dam fat they can't do shit.

Fat prevents two things.

One, it prevents opportunity, and two, it precludes possibility.

Fat is earned.   My only suggestion to not be fat is to do one thing.

You can take this to the bank.

Keep your fork away from your mouth.

This is taken from ZEROHEDGE:

According to a 2013 review, fat is not merely a passive store of energy but is, in fact, a highly “sophisticated organ” that regulates metabolic processes and branches of the immune system. Fat tissue is also crucial in regulating many organs and is closely linked with brain function.

Fat provides numerous benefits, Kristen Smith, a registered dietitian, manager of bariatric surgery at Piedmont Healthcare in Georgia, and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, told The Epoch Times. These include supplying energy, supporting cell growth, protecting organs, and aiding in the absorption of essential nutrients.

Dr. Sulagna Misra, a medical doctor and founder of California-based Misra Wellness, also told The Epoch Times that fat keeps our bodies warm and insulated and serves as a way for the body to store fuel. Additionally, it functions as an endocrine gland with significant activity.

Fat is composed of adipose cells, which produce hormones like estrogen and leptin, cytokines (proteins involved in cellular communication) such as tumor necrosis factors (TNFs), and pro-inflammatory markers. When present in excess, these adipose cells can lead to metabolic or hormonal dysregulation.

Subcutaneous Fat

Subcutaneous fat, located directly beneath the skin, is the most abundant type of fat in the body, according to Ms. Smith. It is also the most metabolically favorable form of fat. Often considered neutral, subcutaneous fat can protect against coronary artery disease and Type 2 diabetes.

According to an article in the International Journal of Obesity, subcutaneous fat is linked to a protective glucose and lipid profile, reduced metabolic risk, and lower levels of inflammatory cytokines. This type of fat appears more passive than abdominal fat and “exerts its protective properties by long-term fatty acid storage.”

However, excessive subcutaneous fat, particularly in the upper body, can be harmful. Research has found that upper body subcutaneous fat is associated with increased cardiometabolic risk factors.

Visceral Fat

On the other hand, studies suggest that high levels of visceral fat raise one’s risk of developing cardiovascular events. Visceral fat is belly fat that surrounds internal organs and is deeper in the abdominal cavity.

Visceral fat is more insulin-resistant, sensitive to lipolysis, and metabolically active. It can generate free fatty acids and uptake glucose more than subcutaneous fat. Additionally, it is a more robust predictor of death.

There are significant differences between fat depots and their associated risks of metabolic disorders. Visceral fat has been shown to generate inflammation and is considered a greater risk for metabolic disorders. Visceral and subcutaneous fat are metabolically distinct tissues.

The Framingham Heart Study measured the relationship between visceral fat and depressive symptoms in 1,581 women (average age 52 years) and 1,718 men (average age 50 years). The study found a relationship in women but not in men. However, a link between subcutaneous fat and depressive symptoms was not observed, underscoring the differences in metabolic activity within each fat depot.

There is also a link between stress, cortisol, and abdominal fat deposits. Stress increases exposure to circulating levels of cortisol, leading to an increased appetite and the mobilization of fat from the periphery (outer areas of the body) to the central region. Cortisol is known to redistribute fat from the outer areas of the body to the abdominal area.

According to a 2011 article in Obesity, various factors could influence the relationship between obesity and depressive symptoms, including inflammation. Visceral fat appears to have “a unique and important contribution” to the inflammatory state, the authors wrote.

Ms. Smith explained that visceral fat typically increases with age and heightened stress levels. Studies indicate that the distribution of body fat is more important for overall health than the total amount of body fat. An unbalanced diet high in fatty foods and carbohydrates, combined with a sedentary lifestyle, creates conditions that promote the accumulation of visceral fat, she said.

Liver Fat

According to Dr. Misra, liver fat consists of fatty tissue stored in the liver, typically as fuel. Liver fat accumulates following excess consumption of sugar and fat (glucose and triglycerides). Diets high in sugar and saturated fat often lead to the accumulation of liver fat. Excessive liver fat can significantly impair liver function. The liver is crucial for metabolism, hormone production, and many other functions, which is why obesity often leads to metabolic and hormonal disorders.

Regarding the role of diet in liver fat accumulation, total energy intake, rather than fat intake per se, is the key mediator of liver fat content. Hypo-energetic diets (calorie deficit) decrease liver fat regardless of total fat content, while hyper-energetic diets (excess calories) increase liver fat.

Dietary fat composition could also affect liver fat accumulation, with diets rich in saturated fat increasing liver fat content more than diets with more unsaturated fats.

Added fructose sources also seem to be of concern when it comes to liver fat. It has been shown that fructose metabolism is faster than glucose and more is converted to liver glycogen. Additionally, ingested carbohydrates are more likely to contribute to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) than dietary fat intake; NAFLD increases the risk of liver damage.

4 Ways to Reduce Harmful Fat

“Monitor what you eat, listen to your body, get good quality and quantity sleep, integrate play, eat more vegetables and fiber, choose cleaner and less processed foods, cook at home, and exercise regularly (especially weight training),” advised Dr. Misra. Keep the following four tips in mind:

  1. Avoid processed foods: These include deep-fried or ultra-processed foods, sodas, candy, and commercial baked goods. Foods sweetened with fructose should be avoided or enjoyed only in moderation. Read the labels and avoid ingredients like “partially hydrogenated oils” or “high-fructose corn syrup.” These deplete your body of necessary nutrients and convert to fat quickly.
  2. Try a high-intensity workout: High-intensity, high-volume training encourages visceral fat loss and improves carotid artery health, facilitating blood flow to the brain.
  3. Stay active: Sedentary behaviors, particularly watching TV, have distinct associations with fat depositions.
  4. Eat enough fiber: Increased soluble fiber intake is associated with less visceral fat accumulation—regardless of body mass index (BMI). Increased soluble fiber intake combined with increased physical activity slows the natural progression of visceral fat.

A New Definition of Obesity

Authors of a 2006 review in Current Diabetes Reviews called for a new definition of obesity based on the anatomical location of fat rather than its volume, particularly when assessing cardiometabolic risk.

The review suggested that the term “metabolic obesity,” which refers to visceral fat accumulation in both lean and obese individuals, may better identify those at risk of cardiovascular disease.

Dr. Misra added that there are diseases or situations in which the BMI may be normal, but the person may have a high amount of visceral fat. “I prefer to address each person individually because ‘normal’ weight is a spectrum, and weight gain is complex,” she concluded.

Truth and zero honesty from Kamala Harris!

Kamala Harris is a Democrat.  Democrats lie in just about every aspect of American life.   Democrats believe the majority of Americans are okay with living in a country with no borders, that flies military-age men from all over the world to American cities, puts them on welfare, and registers them to vote. American taxpayers pay for all of this.   It is the ultimate voter nullification.

Your citizenship in this country means absolutely nothing.

Thoughts on the Democratic Party

Spineless individuals with no solid core principles willing to be herded to wherever their party bosses tell them!

Special counsel Robert Hur described the President as an “elderly man with a poor memory,” with “diminished faculties in advancing age.” That's a nice way of saying Biden is too mentally incompetent to know he was committing a crime when he was hoarding classified documents in his garage and closet, yet the Administration says he is competent to still run the country.

Now we have a California liberal running for President. America, let that sink in! What else do you need to know?

Yes, one of the greatest frauds of several generations. And they would have continued it if not for the debate, though they tried with lame excuses like "he had a cold". The entire Democratic Party apparatus lied to the American public simply so it could remain in control. And they wonder why our trust in government institutions is in the cellar. Now they tell us that a candidate that has never won a primary, has a demonstrated failure in her singular assignment as V.P., and could not even carry her own state -- the state of California, no less, is qualified to be President.

Harris, the Border Czar allowed over 10,000,000 criminal (they broke the law to enter) aliens to gain access to your tax dollars.

Had enough of Democrats yet?

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Loggers for Trump

I have been running a chainsaw for about 20 years fairly consistently.

I don't do gas logs.  I burn wood. We run through a fair amount of firewood with three fireplaces every fall/winter/spring.  

Love running a saw that is running hot and has a sharp chain.

Saturday was sweet!  I got after it.   I dropped timber so big it scared me.

We are expanding access to a part of my farm that has been nearly impossible to access.  Instead of hiring excavators, I thought I would and could do it myself.

No problem.   Just got after it.

Ear protection, great gloves, sharp saw, heavy boots, glasses, what's not to like!


"Deliriously Wild"

I have been around Wall Street jargon for about 40 years. 

I learn new terms every day!    I have a friend who takes an avid interest in the family finances and she introduced me to that term the other day.

She was making reference to recent market action.

When I start hearing terms like that it puts the fear of the Lord Almighty in me!

Markets cycle.  Bad times follow good.  Good times follow bad.

No need to marry them and lose capital needlessly.

Be careful out there.  Things can happen fast, don't think in terms of boundaries.  There are none.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Monday, July 15th at the market close

Had a solid day.   Don't have much equity exposure to tech trading names now, sold a majority of movers off a month ago.   It was a solid first half of 2024.

My growth is in the COST, the HD, the PLTR, the SOFI, and a bit of TWKS, a tiny company that is now being run by a good friend,  and of course a slug of ETFs like FFTY and BOUT across a myriad of indices.   As I grow older, 70 now, I prefer risk in the ETFs versus the individual names.  I don't have the time to make it over again and the ETF space is easy and unique.  Trump and Vance will improve the economy with a solid check on America's finances.  Unlike your finances, ours (in America) suck. 

The goal is to be happy and do good, to live and give back, to laugh and love often.  It was a good day.   If I can get hard work lined up with good luck maybe I can knock out a gain of 25% this year.   I only compete against myself.  The only people I am trying to impress are the 8-year-old version and the 80-year-old version of Dean Parisian.    It is the total portfolio against me.  The goal is not to lose much while winning.  Sure I have had several days (3) where the portfolio dropped over $500,000 in a day.    Yes, bad things happen to good people but did I sell?   No, I didn't sell then and am not selling now.  Why you ask?


Live in America, have my health, and have a system I trade.  And thank you MARKETSURGE!   May God bless JD Vance and Donald Trump and their families who will help America achieve.

The best is yet to come.  Believe it.  

Monday, July 15th at the market open...............

Financial markets opening up as expected.

What a weekend.  An inch away from American history being changed.

The current president was on television again last night spitting out more babble.   He is unable to complete a sentence without an error. 

It is impossible for him NOT to muck things up when reading a speech.

This guy will do billions of dollars of damage to the American taxpayer before November.

Make your vote count America. 

Glancing around the 'net I see too many liberals' tears in my cup........I'm going to have to save some for my morning coffee tomorrow!

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Monday, July 08, 2024

Only correct answers............


Common Sense, Honesty and Ethics

It's stunning to realize that the most cynical, evasive, and dishonest President in my lifetime occupies the White House.

Someone from the oligarchy needs to step up and fix this mess and find a competent leader for the presidency. 

Our country is a joke.

If you don't believe me add 10% for the Big Guy!  

At 70.....

I asked a friend who has crossed 70 & is heading towards 80 what changes he feels in himself?

He sent me the following:
1. After loving my parents, siblings, spouse, children and friends, I have started loving myself.
2. I have realized that I am not “Atlas”. The world does not rest on my shoulders.
3. I have stopped bargaining with vegetable & fruit vendors. A few pennies more is not going to break me, but it might help the poor fellow save for his daughter’s school fees.
4. I leave my waitress a big tip. The extra money might bring a smile to her face. She is toiling much harder for a living than I am.
5. I stopped telling the elderly that they've often told that story. The story makes them walk down memory lane & relive their past.
6. I have learned not to correct people even when I know they are wrong. The onus of making everyone perfect is not on me. Peace is more precious than perfection.
7. I give compliments freely & generously. Compliments are a mood enhancer not only for the recipient but also for me. And a small tip for the recipient of a compliment, never, NEVER turn it down, just say "Thank You.”
8. I have learned not to bother about a crease or a spot on my shirt. Personality speaks louder than appearance.
9. I walk away from people who don't value me. They might not know my worth, but I do.
10. I remain cool when someone plays dirty to outrun me in the rat race. I am not a rat & neither am I in any race.
11. I am learning not to be embarrassed by my emotions. It’s my emotions that make me human.
12. I have learned that it's better to drop the ego than to break a relationship. My ego will keep me aloof, whereas with relationships, I will never be alone.
13. I have learned to live each day as if it's the last. After all, it might be the last.
14. I am doing what makes me happy. I am responsible for my happiness, and I owe it to myself. Happiness is a choice. You can be happy at any time, just choose to be!
I decided to share this for all my friends. Why do we have to wait to be 60 or 70 or 80, why can't we practice this at any stage and age?

Friday, July 05, 2024

Just speak honestly. Speak the truth.

You know it.  I know it.  Stop kidding yourself.

Mediocrity doesn't hang with high achievers.   They talk shit, do little, make no money, find excuses, belittle, find more excuses, belittle education, read little, are truthfully lazy, and don't engage with people on the move.  They are everywhere these days.

They are scared of those working to get better, those achieving goals and dreams, living large, and leaning into their high expectations.

Likewise, high achievers don't hang with mediocrity.  They don't have the time.  

The food chain has its place.  Prey or predator.  Big dog or hanging on the porch.  Big hat, no cattle.  They have all the answers and know everything they just don't have any money and have no clue about how to make money, make it grow, and use it to make life better.  I often call it no vision, no goals, no dreams, and none in sight.   And not a clue about choices versus chance and what that means.  They are easy to spot!  They are everywhere these days. 

Nick Saban was right then and he is right now.

Ryan Day believes in the same thing. 

Life is too short.  Better yourself.  Daily 

Donald! Do NOT pick BERGUM! Here's why............

DJT needs to look close at this guy............

NO to Doug Bergum



Tell me again Mr. Chucky Schwab why you won't allow active traders to flatten accounts with a simple button like so many of your competitors?

It is truly amazing how antiquated Schwab is!

The only redeeming part of the merger with T.D. Ameritrade is Think or Swim.

Chuck, get out of your castles and make a few calls. 

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Joe Biden on America's BIRTHDAY!

Here is the latest from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D.C.   The freaked-out crack addict, China profiteer, Ukraine energy expert, and convicted felon Hunter Biden is now in the building!

He must be reviewing the accomplishments of the Biden Administration over the last 3.5 years.

Biden has only brought mass migration from a dissolved border, which has made cartels rich, increased drug-, human-, and child trafficking, is destroying cities, putting pressure on schools, police, housing, and health care, and made our southern border the most deadly in the world.  Biden has dictatorially and unconstitutionally paid off hundreds of billions in student loans; and made the world much more dangerous, as Biden’s energy policies are essentially funding Russia and Iran; and destroying women’s sports by making them compete against men.

Did I miss anything?

I did miss something.  Remember 10% for the BIG GUY?

It's a clown world in the White House today.


Yesterday, July 2nd, I happened to wade into an office that supports the delivery of health care. 

I had to wait a bit to pay a bill and was sitting in a waiting room of fellow Americans.  I could barely contain myself with wonder and bewilderment.

When will the average American stop and smell the roses?

You don't need a health care professional to give you permission to be healthy.  No Sir, no ma'am you don't.

No Doctor or Nurse needs to give you the go-ahead to better yourself with better health.   

Why don't you just do it yourself?  Get the ass off the couch.  Put down the sugar water.  Give up food out of a box.  Walk.  Run.  Swim. Stretch.  Drink water.  Stay away from sugar.

Give up drinking alcohol.   Give up all the dam medicine you are taking.

Throw the medicine out and start eating an apple a day, an orange, a banana, a salad, some meat.

Take a few vitamins.  Drink more water.  Move about.  Just get off your fat lard ass and start moving.

If you think for a single nanosecond that health care and Big Pharma give a rats ass about your health and getting healthy, think long and hard.

Think again.   America is toast as far as health.  You don't take drugs to lose weight.  You don't take pills for this, for that, for most everything.  Pills suck.  American health care sucks.  Ask any honest provider of health care.

And the health of America sucks.   Look at the obesity in America.  Look at the lard asses walking around in every store, lined up at every fast food place, lined up at the Doctors office.  Maybe they will all die from ink poisoning down the road.    It's a shit show out there and Doctors are making bank daily.   Good on them!

Profiting at the expense of stupidity and laziness, the American way.       



Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Falsehood of the MIC

The MIC is a complete and utter financial disaster for Americans.

The stupidity of Americans is appalling.  Most think the MIC is there to protect us from harm internationally.

The harm comes at you every day in the form of interest on debt and the declining value of the U.S. dollar.

You are being taken to the cleaners daily.   Put that tidbit in your bong or pot pipe this weekend while celebrating your new tattoo.


On Americas Birthday

Admit it.   The clown world we live in is starkly different from what you hear and see from the demented boyz and galz in the MSM these days.

If Biden were sharp and had an off-night last Thursday he would have been out and about on the talk shows doing Q & A's with media pundits to proclaim how great he is physically and mentally.  Instead, they trotted him out (in the early evening) to read again from a teleprompter about how bad the Supreme Court Justices are!  

You can't make this up!   A tool of Obama, now President!

Here, check this out from ZeroHedge today while you are here .......

"Speaking with Axios while the Biden family met at Camp David on Sunday, White House Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates insisted: "Not only does the President perform around the clock, but he maintains a schedule that tires younger aides, including foreign trips into active war zones, and he proves he has that capacity by delivering tangible results that pundits had declared impossible."

Except (you know it's bad when...) journalist Carl Bernstein told CNN on Monday that there have been at least 15 occasions in the last 18 months "where the president has appeared like he did at that horror show (his debate performance)," and that in the last six months, there have been a marked cognitive decline that has caused some of his sources to approach Chief of Staff Ron Klain to express concern."

Biden has dementia.  You know it, I know it.  But remember this, all it takes is a girl between the ages of 4-12 to be spotted by Joe Biden and he is unstoppable.  Ask Jill if you don't believe me.  Or just look at all the video clips circulating around on the internet of Joe touching them up.

One more thing,  a 6 handicap?  GMAFB

Sunday, June 16, 2024

A Pine Ridge education on Fathers Day

Being the son of a career Bureau of Indian Affairs Law Enforcement Officer who attended 4 high schools in 3 states it was good exposure to high school educators and those not-so-good. 

I went to private Catholic boarding schools off-reservation, to government boarding schools in Pine Ridge, to off-reservation public high schools.

One of my college degrees was in Secondary Education.   I will never forget my instructor who didn't agree with my stance on education in government BIA schools for Native Americans.   I had 3 quarters of classes with him.  First quarter, took an "A" grade.   Second quarter, took a "B" grade.  Third quarter, took a "C" grade.  Fairly obvious wasn't it?

Blue states and blue cities and America are in trouble with educating youth.

There doesn't appear to be a Father in sight!   Two parent households?  Where do you find them in the inner city?

All I see is fake diplomas, fake learning, fake "teachers", fake test scores, fake parents, and fake intentions of changing it.

I see new trans bathrooms, free abortions for the staff, and solar panels on the buildings.  This elevates the aura and the school atmosphere and shows real commitment to students which makes them study harder out of respect for the taxpayers investment.

Students will lay down their guns, show up to school daily, put down the pot pipe, toss out the smokeless tobacco, and walk through the metal detectors ready to learn about LGBT history and how evil the white man and America is every day.

My Dad always said you can only make diamonds from coal that is under a great deal of pressure.   Why would you expect test scores to go up when taxpayer money is being spent on metal detectors, multiple layers of security, and often a bomb (gunpowder) sniffing dog at each school?

The finest principal at what was once, Oglala Community High School in Pine Ridge, S.D., was James Lomax.  Bar none.   Jim was a football player at Chadron State in Chadron, Nebraska.  He married a girl from Scottsbluff and they worked and lived in Pine Ridge as educators.  Jim took no bullshit from anyone.  He was fair.  He called it like he saw it.  He was what Pine Ridge needs today.  He is what every school system needs today.

Jim lived across the park from my family and I often would go over to visit him while in high school.   He shared a beer with me from time to time when I wasn't playing sports.  At that time he had no children and he treated me like his own.  Jim was the first person to tell me that spending more funds on public schools was never intended to improve educational outcomes. It was always meant to funnel more money to teachers and unions. 

Society is corrupt to the core and full of grifters at all levels looking to cash in on government money.

Your congressman, school teachers, college professors, large corporations, physicians, etc. the list is endless.

Do you hear that sound?  Listen closely.

It is the sucking on the big government teat.

On Fathers Days, every kid needs a FATHER, not a sire.

And that, is one of the biggest problems for America.