CEO & Partner, Parisian Family Office. Began Wall Street career in 1982. Founded investment firm, Native American Advisors, 1995. White Earth Chippewa, Tribal Member. Raised on reservations. Conservative. NYSE/FINRA arbitrator. Pureblood, clot-shot free. In a world elevated on a tech-driven dopamine binge, he trades from Ghost Ranch on the Yellowstone River in MT, TN farm, Pamelot or CASA TULE', their winter camp in Los Cabos, Mexico. Always been, and will always be, an optimist.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Ghost Ranch Beaver

The American fur trade.  This rodent was center stage in its development.  In college I had an opportunity to "listen" to the chatter amongst a mother beaver and her kits at a dam site.  They were extremely vocal.  What an interesting animal they are!

Kennesaw/FedEx, Tornadoes or CHIRAQ?

I hope the FedEx family can get over this latest travesty in Kennesaw.   Deranged, probably drugged-up killers are a menace everywhere.  The only thing that can stop them is a bullet.  They are hell bent on taking out everything.

Last Sunday the number of deaths this year from twisters in America was zero.  48 hours later we are at 28.  The MSM goes wild and the weather channel ratings go parabolic.  Yet as far as dead Americans goes, check this out.

The carnage and mayhem that goes on daily in President Obama's home town is scary for anyone living there.   The new term for that area of the country is CHIRAQ.  I think it pretty well describes the mayhem.  Here's a few reasons why.   At least 43 people have been shot, five of them fatally, in a spate of violence across Chicago since Friday.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Ghost Ranch. Sleeping peacefully.

Unfortunately, like our financial condition and society, there were better days in prior years.   

America, a (Donald) STERLING country...........

If the United States was as racist as we are told every day, people would be throwing rocks (and missiles) at each other all the time just as is happening in the Ukraine today.

If everybody worked, wanted to work, wanted to learn, wanted to get along it would be a better place for sure.  The leeches, free-loaders and Free Shit Army leave a pretty good stench though.

This isotropic condemnation of what he said (because no one was discriminated against by his privately-held opinions), the uniform acceptance of the thought-police state in this matter I find far more revolting than what he said to his girlfriend.


Friday, April 25, 2014

Ghost Ranch beaver pond ..............

I spotted something out of the ordinary in the beaver pond and moved closer for a better look.  This is what I saw.
The water was too deep so I had to fetch my waders and fish this whitetail buck out.
Not a bad buck.  I wonder what killed him?   Cats?  Blue tongue?  EHD?  Coyotes?  An arrow?   Old age?   Gun shot wound?   Horned by another buck while fighting?

The cold nasty winter of 2014

It is par for corporate America to blame the winter weather on decreasing sales, lower earnings growth, etc.    I guess winter is a novelty these days and there was never a winter in history that exhibited winter weather behaviour!

Here are more excuses for CFO's, CEO's and COO's in American corporations!

"Climate change clearly hit us awfully hard"

"Summer was clearly awfully hot, we needed extra time to put on sun screen, which is why efficiency was down and operating costs up"

"Night was awfully dark, the moon didn't shine as expected"

"Rain was terribly wet and roads were slippery (forgot my umbrella a lot of times), therefore revenue down"

Liars abound and the SEC sits idly by. 

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Ghost Ranch

Over the next couple of weeks I am going to offer up some pictures of Montana's Ghost Ranch.  It is a special place and these shots will be in no particular order.   It's tiring making commentary on the liars and thieves that are in charge.  Simple math dictates this nation will fall under the debt load.  The spenders and looters will see to it.

This Ghost Ranch picture reminds me of all the empty suits and skeletons that are in Washington, D.C.!