CEO & Partner, Parisian Family Office. Began Wall Street career in 1982. Founded investment firm, Native American Advisors, 1995. White Earth Chippewa, Tribal Member. Raised on reservations. Conservative. NYSE/FINRA arbitrator. Pureblood, clot-shot free. In a world elevated on a tech-driven dopamine binge, he trades from Ghost Ranch on the Yellowstone River in MT, TN farm, Pamelot or CASA TULE', their winter camp in Los Cabos, Mexico. Always been, and will always be, an optimist.

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Update: My FAUCI compilation

The first victim in all this was real science. Replaced by "the science" and introduced by "the experts". If there's one thing we can count on from Anthony Fauci, it's a willingness to lie through his teeth in order to maintain the narrative and push the agenda.

Fly a commercial airline from Billings to Nashville wearing a mask in the airport and in the aircraft or just get in the truck, whip on some Sirius XM and put it on cruise control? 

No brainer.  

The airlines don't get it.   Neither does Brandon or the biggest liar in America, Dr. Fauci.   FFS, wake up America.

Here is some science if you don't believe me.  Just click & learn.


How much inflation, poverty, looting, mental health issues with children, forced shots, lockdowns and fake data do Americans need before they admit they were scammed by Biden?

As a member of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe, White Earth Reservation, the ever-present soft bigotry of low expectations and the permanent claim that the solutions to the plight of minorities rest exclusively on the goodwill of whites rather than on hard work is psychologically devastating.

A generation of children are being taught that only by begging and weeping and screaming will they get a handout from guilt-ridden whites.

Instead of defining themselves as individuals, most people have been taught to define themselves by their race, their gender, their sexuality, their nationality, their tribe, their affiliations, their loyalties, their team...anything but define themselves by their hard work and character.

If you want to find peace and quiet on weekday mornings, hang out by most any government housing project. You can hear a pin drop. That's because NOBODY is leaving or entering the buildings. Everyone's still fast asleep because most don't have jobs.

Here's a novel idea: Stop the whining, stop the excuses, put your heads down, get to work -- long, steady, patient work -- and make equality an achievement instead of an entitlement. 

Too bad it's not as profitable for the media and the demagogues as victimhood.

Never forget,  what we called "medicine" is no longer "science".

"Medicine" is now only politics.   Don't believe me?  Just google the name "FAUCI".

Monday, February 27, 2023

Ft. Berthold, Pine Ridge, Yankton, Sisseton, Crow

Growing up on several Indian reservations on the Great Plains was all I knew. For 4 years it was 32 miles for milk and bread one-way. Bread and gravy were common for supper. Dad traded deer we shot for commodity cheese. There weren't game laws on the reservations so it was shoot what you can, when you can. No one in history has shot more sharp-tail grouse than I. All winter, .22's from the Russian olive trees in brutal weather, always shoot the bottom ones first so when they fell they wouldn't scare the birds higher up. All shooting done out of the '57 Ford pickup. 

Life was good and it was going to get a hell of a lot better. 

I know now I chose great parents.

iPhone issue resolved

My battery has been running down on my iPhone.

No big deal.  Fixed it. 

On Saturday morning I shut off the iPhones ability to run the "Climate Hoax Mode".

All is well, running smooth again.  Full power!


Sunday, February 26, 2023



Life in America

No one I know personally chose their parents.

When I read the press, observe the media, and you agree, it is obvious there are a large number of bitter, failed and angry people who want to hate on others. 

You live in America, health is your responsibility, what you earn is your ability, desire and intelligence.  Some call it motivation.  

This America I see is headed down a slippery slope.

It needs to go to work, be a parent, marry, get healthy, shut off the media. 

Just my two cents.   I bet yours too.


I have attended "church" on Sundays much of my life.  Grade school was daily, junior high about every Sunday at 4 p.m., high school often, (one of the 4 high schools I attended was a Catholic boarding school), my 10 years in San Diego and most Sundays since 1989.

I always believed church was in easy investment.  Easy to visit Creator in your own space, easy to listen, easy to be there whether you were "there" or "not there" for the hour.

I thought 60 minutes was a great investment.  An investment in time every week to learn at least one or two things to amplify your life.  

I always wanted to go to church, not attend church because I had to.  I didn't have to.  I wanted to.

Big difference.    

Monday, February 20, 2023

Presidents Day, Do the Math, Biden Can't

If you start with an unlimited amount of gender identity,  add 189 pronouns with a fair amount of white supremacy, subtract $500,000,000 of BLM carnage, divide by several hundred  Chicago murders along with the billions spent on Ukrainian pay-offs, and then subtract a couple million illegal criminal aliens how much climate change are you left with?  

Grand Portage Moose


Georgia Coyotes

Caught these 2 coyotes in northern Georgia several years ago for the live market.   Georgia has a thriving coyote population adapting well to the Atlanta sprawl.  Trapped several black coyotes as well.

Sunday, February 19, 2023

100% TRUTH

One thing we can all agree on.

If the starved and hungry clients of Ghislaine Maxwell were all Republicans the names would have been published years ago by the likes of the New York Times.

And you can take that to the bank.

Any bank, especially J.P. Morgan.

Biden is the ideal president for the Deep State. 

Trump was a nightmare to them.


Matt Taibbi of TWITTER FILES Fame!

Taibbi concludes the latest tweet thread with a big reality-check slap to the face of the mainstream media.

The fact that mainstream outlets ignored the Schiff story but howled about Teigen shows what they're about.

Responses like this are designed to keep blue-leaning audiences especially focused on moronic partisan spats, obscuring bigger picture narratives.

The real story emerging in the #TwitterFiles is about a ballooning federal censorship bureaucracy that's not aimed at either the left or the right per se, but at the whole population of outsiders, who are being systematically defined as threats.

Beginning in March, we'll start using the Twitter Files to tell this larger story about how Americans turned their counterterrorism machinery against themselves, to disastrous effect, through little-known federal agencies like the Global Engagement Center (GEC).

Friday, February 17, 2023

CDC Classification for Covid 19, the CHINA FLU

I am a proud member of the new category of Americans dubbed unvaccinated by the CDC.   I am clot shot free of any vaccine or boosters for the China Flu.

My number is  Z28.310!

I am just like Americans who identify as being opposite members of the sex they were born with, you know, the "chicks with dicks" crowd.   

I identify as being vaccinated!

Life is good and getting better.   

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Montana Region 7 Mule Deer

Owning a ranch in eastern Montana and having grown up there 50 years ago I have a fair amount of personal history to draw on.    A year ago I spoke with a biologist in the Region 7 offices in Miles City and told him the numbers I had observed in covering thousands of miles in eastern Montana all fall were way, way down.

I found it odd that his lack of credence in my ability to observe mule deer in eastern Montana was rather short-sighted but one thing for sure, if there's deer there I will see them.  

Fast forward to what I was trying to explain to him without any success.   Another sad day for mule deer in Montana.

"The Montana deer population survey numbers for 2022 were published late last year and show that mule deer numbers are down, way down! There are a lot of factors to blame, starting with the largest culprit that has been proven by research in many Western states and that is drought. Research shows deer (does) that go into winter in poor shape, with minimal body fat in dry years, have much lower fawn health and birth rates in the spring of the next year. 2020-2022 were very dry years in the eastern half of the state and forage in the fall of 2021 was especially poor when I hunted there. Trophy quality also seemed to be hurt by the drought. In 2022 population counts showed 58,000 mule deer in Region 7 which is down from 114,000 in 2020; that’s a 52% decrease!

Disease is also another factor and sure doesn’t help the situation; EHD, Blue Tongue, and CWD. All of these diseases have affected the eastern half of the state the last few years. CWD has been the one in the spotlight recently but there’s no proof that CWD has wiped out entire herds of deer in the West unless you consider how it has impacted state’s like Montana’s deer management policies.

Overhunting could also be a factor. Montana gained a lot of residents the last two years and if you don’t know, Montana is an opportunity state and is not managed for trophies. It’s managed for opportunity, hence the many general tag areas. Basically Montana is a, “If it’s brown, it’s down” kind of state and all of Regions 6 and 7 are either-sex, either species except for one district on the general tag. In addition there are thousands of antlerless tags available for each species in these regions as well."

I say Montana needs more hunters. They need more "come home to hunt" hunters, more youth seasons, more late season muzzleloader seasons, more military hunters, and more resident hunters and while they are at it, why not extend the cow elk season into April from February 15 so hunters can eat veal from a fetus? I say all of that sarcastically but you know the resource is suffering and low fur prices aren't doing much to cut back the never-ending problem of coyotes on fawns.

I say shut the mule deer season down on November 12th.

Every year.


Stein's Law

Degrees in Economics and Social Science brought to my attention in the late 1980's an economist by the name of Herb Stein.

He is remembered for a famous quote that holds true to this day.  

"Things that can't go on forever, don't".

Think about that in relation to what you see around you, what you see in government, what you see in the financial condition of our nation.  Think about the White House assessment that BIDEN is in fair physical shape to be President, not mentioning that his cognitive state is not healthy.  The entire world knows what they see.

The lies will continue until they don't.     

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Covid Masks

 Democratic Science.

Jason Whitlock on football and black America

I don't know Jason Whitlock and in fact stumbled on his work today.   Mark my words I will be following him as I follow Tony Dungy, Billy Mills and Deion Sanders to name a few minority athletes.  

Fatherhood is a tremendous role.   Americans of African descent are out of touch with what fatherhood should be about.  The numbers speak for themselves.  Look in the mirror.  Look at the math.   Why is the government playing the role of absentee father?   Isn't your child you fathered worth more than a check from Uncle Sam? 

This article by Jason Whitlock needs to be spread far and wide.

I love attending football games in the stadium in the shadows of the Flat Irons at Colorado University in Boulder.   I think Deion Sanders is a champion coach like Tony Dungy.   Read this article.  Worth every second.

According to corporate media, one of the biggest stories at this year’s Super Bowl was the shared skin classification of the two quarterbacks, Patrick Mahomes and Jalen Hurts.

I use the word classification instead of color because Mahomes and Hurts do not share the same skin color. Classified as black, Mahomes is three or four shades lighter than Hurts because the Chiefs' quarterback is mixed race – half black and half white.

Regardless, you couldn’t tune into Super Bowl coverage on ESPN or Fox Sports without hearing about the historic clash between two black quarterbacks. Mainstream media outlets hailed the feat as a victory over white supremacy and anti-black discrimination. The prevailing wisdom states that the NFL discriminates against black men in the sport’s highest leadership positions – quarterback and head coach.

It’s not true. In its highest leadership positions, football discriminates against athletes developed in and scarred by baby-mama culture. This is a well-known fact. Deion Sanders, the NFL legend and now head coach at Colorado, inadvertently spelled this out last week on Rich Eisen’s popular podcast. Eisen asked Deion to explain what he looks for in a quarterback.

“We want smart, tough, fast, disciplined with character,” Sanders started out. “Quarterbacks are different. We want mother and father, dual parents. We want that kid to be a 3.5-plus GPA; he’s got to be smart. He can’t make bad decisions off the field. He has to be a leader of men. There are so many different attributes of what we look for. We would love a coach’s son. That’s what we look for in quarterbacks.”

Sanders can speak freely because he’s black. A white coach would be smart to avoid admitting this publicly.

But the truth is many young men are not getting leadership opportunities because of the decisions made by their parents. It has nothing to do with race. It has to do with foundational values. Young men disconnected from their fathers have emotional issues that limit their ability to lead. When 75% of black kids are being born to unwed mothers, it limits the opportunities for these children.

Corporate and social media did not make a big deal of Sanders’ honest remarks. Sanders’ comments were mostly ignored. Corporate media and social media influencers are incentivized to avoid uncomfortable truths. The top black broadcasters on any mainstream network know to blame any disparate outcome between black people and white people on racism. Their job is to convince black people that white people control their lives.

I could name names, but it’s unnecessary. It’s all of them on a mainstream platform, whether it’s a news or sports network. They’re paid distractions. They don’t want black people to connect the dots.

Let’s follow Deion’s dots. Deion rightly suggests that “leaders of men” are best developed in dual-parent homes or situations.

A head football coach would have to be considered a leader of men. Rather than blindly blame racist NFL owners for the fact there are only a handful of black NFL head coaches, why wouldn’t one of the talking heads at ESPN or Fox Sports ask whether the illegitimacy rate of black children contributes to the disparity?

I’m not picking on ESPN’s Louis Riddick, but he’s worked as an executive in the NFL. He knows (or should know) the kind of background profiles NFL teams use to find leaders. NFL Network journalists Jim Trotter and Steve Wyche, two guys I like and respect, have covered the league long enough to know what Deion Sanders expressed is true. Stephen A. Smith and Shannon Sharpe are paid to be characters and spit-stirrers on TV. They’re doing their jobs playing the race card. Most of the athletes on TV don’t know what they don’t know and have advanced degrees in Twitter logic.

Black America’s broken family structure explains the coaching and quarterback disparities far more than racism.

You would think ESPN’s black vanity website Andscape, which purports to cover the intersection of sports, race, and culture, would analyze the impact of single motherhood on black athletes. You would think Andscape would use Sanders’ comments as a jumping-off point for a bigger story.

But there’s no interest in truth. Obvious facts and trends are ignored to promote a narrative that white racism explains everything about black people.

The Houston Texans have hired three black coaches in a row, but the only reason Eric Bieniemy did not get the job is because of racism. Colts owner Jim Irsay, who previously hired Tony Dungy and Jim Caldwell as head coaches, signed Shane Steichen because of racism.

The narrative is a joke and a lie.

No different from the lie that Super Bowl LVII featured two “black” quarterbacks. The real similarity between Patrick Mahomes and Jalen Hurts is their two black dads.

Hurts’ parents are still married. His dad is a high school football coach. Mahomes’ dad divorced Patrick’s mother when Patrick was 11 years old. Patrick’s parents remained friends. Patrick and his father, according to media reports and appearances, remain close.

Countless studies show that the first five years of a child’s life are the most important. It is during this time that the “foundations for learning, health, and behavior” are established.

I would add my own twist to these studies. It’s the first five years and nine months. The nine months spent inside the mother’s womb are critical. Talking and reading to a child in the womb are critical. So is rubbing the belly of the mother. So is making sure the mother is in a stable, low-stress, supportive environment.

Parental neglect and irresponsibility do more to damage the future of a child than some random white dude who calls a black child “boy” on the playground or some racial hardship that a black child’s great-great-grandfather endured.

These statements aren’t remotely disputable or controversial.

Our worship of white people explains our commitment to improving them rather than improving ourselves.



Art from GOD. Cabo at sunset........


American RINO's

Don't forget the swamp crowd that brings you:

It's just Aliens.
It's just Chinese spy balloons.
It's just top-secret docs.
It's just Hunter and 10% for the "Big Guy".

Mitch McConnell is so out of touch with Americans.   His thinking that Ukraine is the most important  to Americans is void of any common sense or rational intelligence.   

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

UFO's and Aliens EXEMPT?

Never forget that Congress is exempt from taking the vaccine.   

Congressional aids are exempt from taking the vaccine.

Millions flooding the borders of the United States are exempt from the vaccine.

Saturday, February 11, 2023

1 out of 3 and growing...........

Sleaze having to give their money back.

Imagine that.

DC Politicians at Work!

Missed more now than ever, GEORGE CARLIN

"They don’t want people who are smart enough to sit around a kitchen table to figure out how badly they’re getting fucked by a system that threw them overboard 30 fucking years ago. They don’t want that. You know what they want? They want obedient workers. Obedient workers. People who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork, and just dumb enough to passively accept all these increasingly shittier jobs with the lower pay, the longer hours, the reduced benefits, the end of overtime and the vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect"

George Carlin

CDC Guidelines for Covid

"We will destroy your economic, social, and mental health to protect you from a virus that presents an average age of death nearly identical to pre-Covid average life span. We insist you take these "vaccines" with zero long term safety testing and no product liability. Never mind they have the worst adverse event record of any vaccine ever allowed to remain available. It's all for your own good."

Friday, February 10, 2023


We lose a tremendous amount of deer every year on the Ghost Ranch. Predators and disease are the main culprits.   Take a peek at this carnage.  

Death on Display 

Thursday, February 09, 2023

So you like video and pictures?

As Joe Biden eloquently says, "C'mon man".  So, you are a smart guy.  You know it all for sure.  Not a thing you haven't watched CNN about that makes you genius, right?

So go ahead, ask yourself this.   With maybe 25,000 humans dead from the earthquake in Turkey and Syria and millions displaced and injured and homeless and video coverage going night and day in the MSM, why haven't you, in the confines of your home, nursing your drink of choice over the past couple of years, watched imbedded photographers cover the war between Russia and the Ukraine which have killed an estimated 300,000 people? 

You don't know the answer do you?  You care less.

The answer is for all the world to see.  So much money at stake, so much war to profit from, so much gore not to share with those who fund the MIC and killing from afar.   Yet, you don't see, or even understand.  It's too comfortable for you.  You don't care, out of sight out of mind.   

The beat goes on.  Hell, even Seth Rich understood. 

Fun in the Sun!!

My youngest son took this wonderful video the other day in the Sea of Cortez from the pool deck at my house in Palmilla.  Even the big boys love to get out of the water once in a while.

These mammoth creatures exhibit what the United States used to be like.   Graceful, purposeful, elegant, dignified.

You don't believe me?  Go stand on any street corner in America.  Walk into any WalMart.   Go to the pregame festivities before any NFL game, walk around Baltimore, Detroit, New Orleans, Seattle, San Francisco (at your peril), or better yet, just sit at home and watch TV commercials.  You get the drift, you understand and too stupid to care or do anything about it. 

You get what you vote for.



Friday, February 03, 2023


Go ahead, you have all the answers.  

Why would the Chinese send a "spy" balloon to observe a US missile base when they can see it on Google earth, satellites, high altitude reconnaissance aircraft, YouTube videos or one of their many assets at the Pentagon, Congress, or in the executive branch?

The only thing to conclude is the CCP must have so much on the Biden (crime) family; this administration will not react to any of the CCP provocations, cancelled the China initiative, soft on IP theft, COVID 19 origins, (no questions whatsoever about it) and now this balloon wafting over flyover states.

Over millions of years, the view hasn't changed. San Jose del Cabo at sunrise.


Kash Patel said it best!

With no thanks to the F.B.I. (FEEBLE BIDEN INVESTIGATORS)  in this shit show of corruption, here is Kash Patel sounding off on crackhead Biden.

"When was the last time you snorted some crack, paid multiple women for sex, one of which was your dead brothers wife, then slept with her sister, while having them on the payroll, capturing it all on camera....all the while snuffing thru classified  docs dad stole, which you used to get 7 figure contracts from America's enemies, oh yea n unlawfully obtaining a firearm, and got away with it ALL?

Only if your names HUNTER, got a Dad called JOE! 

Wednesday, February 01, 2023

Follow the Science!

May the day come when the criminal element of government and politics get their due. 

Follow the science they said.

Liars all the way to the Bank!