CEO & Partner, Parisian Family Office. Began Wall Street career in 1982. Founded investment firm, Native American Advisors, 1995. White Earth Chippewa, Tribal Member. Raised on reservations. Conservative. NYSE/FINRA arbitrator. Pureblood, clot-shot free. In a world elevated on a tech-driven dopamine binge, he trades from Ghost Ranch on the Yellowstone River in MT, TN farm, Pamelot or CASA TULE', their winter camp in Los Cabos, Mexico. Always been, and will always be, an optimist.

Friday, June 07, 2013

Brookshade HOA SCAM Alert

On Thursday, June 6 I left my residence at 801 N. Brookshade Parkway at 10 a.m.

Returning at approximately 1:35 pm I found that someone had spread some bales of pine straw in my flower beds on both sides of the driveway. We had not requested anyone to do so. About 10 minutes after getting home our home phone rang. The caller, Scott Williams, said he was due money for the delivery of 150 bales of pine straw that he delivered to my home.  He said that a "landscaper" had called him and requested he deliver to my address. He furnished me a phone number of the said landscaper but no name. I then called the number that  SCOTT WILLIAMS had given to me for this nonexistent landscaper and though never got a name the person I spoke with stated unequivocally he did not know me nor was he in the landscaping business and that he had no knowledge of a Scott Williams who was in the pine straw business. My landscape firm is Red White & Reeled and I have never bought pine straw from them.

I than returned another call to the SCAMMER. His name is SCOTT WILLIAMS.   He is a black man and was accompanied by another black man during the delivery.  His cell phone number is 678-510-8850.

Scott Williams, Officer Bradshaw of the Milton Police Department wants to talk to you.  Please give him a call.  The rest of the fine officers of the Milton Police Department would like to speak to you as well. 

Googling the phone number gave me enough to rush to the MILTON Police Department to file a complaint. Not only did Mr. Williams threaten me with a mechanics lien on my property if I didn't' pay today he said he would also file suit against my wife Pam and my youngest child, Jordan. He also stated that his employees would be coming by my home today and they would demand to get paid. He said that the name of his company was "Worldwide Services".

He was very aggressive with me on the telephone.  I told him I was going to be on the phone to my attorney after hanging up and that my next move would be to go to the Milton Police Department. I was upset that he knew the name of my wife and child.  It is my belief that he got the names out of my mailbox.   I was very satisfied with the timely response of the Milton PD and their attention to this matter.

We must all be vigilant. Although we have an excellent security system, two dogs and of course am well-armed to protect family and personal property we have to be ever aware. I would also caution Brookshade homeowners against buying pine straw bales from the red-neck thugs who drive around and 9 times out of 10 rip off unsuspecting homeowners with a rigged bale count and/or very cheap straw.


Anonymous said...

The suspect "Scott Williams" is actually Brandon Scott Williamson. He also ripped us off as well. Something should be done about this so called landscaper!

Anonymous said...

He got us as well and threatened me and my family, calling me a "white bitch" etc... this guy needs to be put away.

Anonymous said...

I hired this man to deliver and spread straw at my home. He came by to deliver part and took the money and run leaving behind tons of leaves he had bagged. He simply won't return my calls. A simple search online shows he's a scam artist and has done this to many. Do not engage this guy, he's a thief.