Manages Parisian Family Office. Began Wall Street, 82. Founded investment firm, Native American Advisors. Member, White Earth Chippewa Tribe. Was NYSE/FINRA arb. Conservative. Raised on Native reservations. Pureblood, clot-shot free. In a world elevated on a tech-driven dopamine binge, he trades from Ghost Ranch on the Yellowstone River in MT, his TN farm, Pamelot or CASA TULE', his winter camp in Los Cabos, Mexico. Always been, and will always be, an optimist.

Monday, February 01, 2016

Facts boys and girls, just the facts.........

Two months ago, when it was calculated that the US would need a new debt ceiling of $19.6 trillion to last until after Obama's tenure, it may have been overoptimistic: since the hard limit of $18.15 trillion which was raised at the end of October, the US appears to be growing its debt at a far faster pace than had originally been expected, and according to the latest public debt data, as of the last day of January, total US debt just hit 19,012,827,698,417.93.

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